Recruiting 101


  • Researching your prospective candidate before engaging them is one of the most important elements of planning for success.
  • Make sure that each contact is entered into Bullhorn. Bullhorn is your lifeline to success.


Optomi Recruiter Workflow


Developing an Elevator Pitch

Now that you’re part of the team, what do you say when someone asks, “What do you do for a living?” Your answer that follows is what we like to call our “elevator pitch”. Basically, it’s a short summary of who we are, what we do, and what you do…in no particular order.
The idea here is that you can recite it in the time it takes to take a short elevator ride, invokes interest from your fellow passenger, and possibly leads to new business, candidates, or some referrals.


What goes into an elevator pitch?

You could probably say about 1.3 million different combinations of things, but the goal is to keep it simple and intriguing. You want to include things about Optomi, your role, and a relative summary of what we do.

For example:
“I’m a recruiter with Optomi! We’re an IT Staf ng rm that specializes in the mid-tier to executive level information technology professionals speci cally in the application development, network / system engineering, BI / DW and project management space.


Short and simple, but gives just enough information to the individual, and leaves room for additional follow up questions. You want to try and see every meeting as an opportunity to sell our services as a company, your services as a recruiter, and our reputation. Things you can use in your elevator pitch include: facts about Optomi, facts about leadership team, our exponential growth, our unique differentiators or how long we’ve been in business, how many employees we have, how many of ces we have, skill sets that we service, etc.


ASSIGNMENT 4: Review the Like Industry / Like Skill Set WebEx presentation. Read the Optomi’s Differentiators aka “Jerry McGuire Mission Statement”.


ASSIGNMENT 5: Meet with all of your teammates and have them give you their elevator speech.


ASSIGNMENT 6: Create your own elevator pitch! (Review with your Senior Recruiter. You’re going to recite your pitch later this week.)




Preparing For Your First Calls


ASSIGNMENT 7: Review the Recruiting Passive Candidates WebEx presentation.

So the time has come and you’re going to get on the phone with your rst potential employees. What do you say? What do you talk about? What do you bring to the conversation? To answer these questions we’re going to allow you shadow some of the senior recruiters to get a feel for the relative tone of the conversation. Every recruiter is different in their approach to making calls. Remember one thing…people LOVE talking about themselves.


ASSIGNMENT 8: Review the Phone Screen WebEx presentation.


ASSIGNMENT 9: Shadow senior recruiters. They all know it’s coming, so utilizing your Outlook calendar, send an invitation for 60 minutes with each of the senior recruiters. Observe while they conduct Phone Screens or PreScreen activity. Take note of whom you are shadowing, how they nd new candidates, and then what types of questions they ask over the phone or in person. Pay particular notice to the tone, pace, and ow of the call.


Recommended activity: Help them with the Bullhorn date entry. “Parsing” the candidate’s resume, entering the interview or phone screen comments or entering the skill codes.

Things you should try to cover in EVERY call to a new candidate:

  1. Your name, role, and company (Hi this is _____, I’m a Technical Recruiter with Optomi specializing in “networking engineering”.)
  2. Company info (Elevator pitch!)
  3. How you found this candidate (You came to me as a referral from John Smith…)
  4. Their current employment status/situation (Where are you working now?)
  5. Ideal position details (What is your ideal position?) CLAMS
  1. What are you looking for in your next career?
  2. What would you like to see in your next role that you are not getting now?
  1. Past experience (So tell me how your background and experience ts into your careergoals…) FAVoRS
  2. What have they done in the past roles that differentiated themselves? PSR
  3. Availability (When are you available?)
  4. Other interviews/ rms/possible positions (Who else have you interviewed with?)
  5. References (On your last assignment, to whom were you reporting? May we contactthem?)
  6. Referrals (We have multiple positions, who else would you recommend foropportunities?)

It seems like a lot, but it really goes quickly with the right pace. Most importantly, you want to control the call. Control the call by asking direct questions that require answers other than “yes” or “no”. An exceptional recruiter will be able to recruit an individual without speaking one word about the opportunity they are working on/considering the candidate for. You want to instill a feeling of honesty and trust in the candidate. Because of our market, typical candidates are going to want to know exactly what requirement you are working on to avoid being double-submitted, but we’ll cover that later.


ASSIGNMENT 10: Before you drop the training wheels, you are going to need to role-play with a senior recruiter. Your assignment here is: utilizing Outlook, send an invitation to meet with a senior recruiter to set up a mock call. You will be the recruiter, and the senior recruiter will act as the candidate. The senior recruiter will provide you feedback regarding your phone call. If you are still a little shaky, feel free to repeat the meeting with another senior recruiter.


ASSIGNMENT 11: Review the Structure Interview Process – PreScreen presentation.


ASSIGNMENT 12: Review the Leads, Referrals and Reference presentation.



Now it’s time to put the shadowing and role-plays to use. For the remainder of the week, you are going to be recruiting actual candidates and developing your pace, tone, and relative ap- proach method.


ASSIGNMENT 13: This assignment serves as a means to get you “out in the eld”. You are going to be responsible for sourcing, contacting, and qualifying 5 (or more, if you have time) candidates for a relatively common skill set (get this from a Senior Recruiter). After reviewing the job description, it becomes your job to source new candidates by utilizing CareerBuilder or Dice (an online job board speci cally for IT candidates). When you are ready, ask one of the senior recruiters for the sign-on and password to your CareerBuilder or Dice account.

Your goals in this exercise are as follows:

  1. Gain familiarity with utilizing the job boards.
  2. Learn as much as you can from the candidates about their skill sets. FAVoRS
  3. Ask them about the projects they’ve worked on, their backgrounds, and what theirideal positions are.
  4. Learn how to check BH for duplicate les, import resumes into BH, lling out allapplicable elds, and documenting history.
  5. Get more comfortable on the phone. We want you to try to get at least one referraland two in uential references.
  6. Get 5 new candidate records into BH.
  7. Be sure to use the BH templates available in BH for either the Phone Screen or


List your candidates and leads here:






_______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________


The initial step to getting to know a candidate is to get an iStream video of them. Submit some basic questions and see how they do.

That said, there is only so much you can learn about a person on video or the phone. By bringing a candidate “in-house”, you’ll get a better picture of their in-person personality, professional appearance, and communication skills. Physical meetings also help to build trust and honest dialogue.


ASSIGNMENT 14: This is an ongoing assignment. Over the next few days, we would like you to sit in on as many in-houses interviews as possible, shadowing the senior recruiters. Like the calls, pay attention to the different interviewing styles portrayed by the senior recruiters. Observe how they incorporate ONH, FAVoRS, PSR and CLAMS. You’ll be conducting your own in-houses next week.

Week 1 Assessment Test

How was your rst week? Hopefully you have gained some understanding in the way that Optomi differentiates our services in the market. Your nal assignment this week will be a quick review of what you’ve learned thus far. Go over your notes and be prepared to answer the following questions from a Senior Recruiter and your Managing Director.

  1. What are the names of your colleagues in your of ce?
  2. How big is Optomi? (Revenue, Employees, # of Of ces)
  3. What is your of ce phone number?
  4. Name the 4 areas of IT that Optomi supports as well as the 7 key skill sets that yourof ce focuses on.
  5. How do you make sure that a candidate that you’ve sourced is not already in BH?
  6. Who is Michael Winwood?
  7. Who is Erin Pittman?
  8. Why are recruiters the most important people in Optomi?
  9. What are SLA’s? Give one example.
  10. Where do you go to nd the highest priority requirements?
  11. Explain the basis of a contract-to-hire opportunity.
  12. What is your elevator pitch?
  13. Name 3 things you’d like to take away from EVERY call to a potential candidate.
  14. Name one of the candidates that you’ve put into your OTT list.
  15. How do you add a candidate to BH?
  16. You are billing the client $85/hr and paying the candidate $50/hr. What is the markup?
  17. Who in the Optomi family handles all the new hire paperwork?
  18. When are the scheduled bathroom breaks for recruiters?
  19. What is the answer to the question “How much does this position pay?”
  20. Besides the job boards (Dice, Indeed, CareerBuilder), name two alternative methodsof acquiring new candidates. (We haven’t gone over this, but see what you can comeup with.)
  21. How do you schedule a conference room?
  22. Who do you call if you are going to be out for the day?
  23. How do you feel? What are your Week 1 thoughts? What are your concerns movingforward? (Open discussion)

Again, WELCOME TO OPTOMI! We truly hope you’re as excited to be here as we are to have you! If you have any questions along the way, please feel free to reach out to any member of the team as I’m sure they’ll be happy to assist you in any way they can.

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