Recruiting 301

Welcome back! Week Three is designed more around the administrative things that go along with being a recruiter at Optomi. By now, you’ve recruited a few candidates, and most likely made some submits to open requirements. Where do you go from there? What other things are involved in our processes? First off, we want to make sure we’re meeting the candidates that we are submitting to these requirements. Let’s talk about that for a few.


As previously mentioned it is part of your job to schedule candidates for in-house interviews. What types of things are you looking for that you couldn’t get over the phone? Why bring someone all the way to the of ce to basically talk about the same things you’ve already covered?

First and foremost, you want to know who is representing you and Optomi in the eyes of the client. An in-house interview allows you to get a feel for the personality and professionalism of the candidate. We typically will communicate to the potential candidate that the meeting
is informal and business casual. Right from the start, if they give you a hard time about com- ing in for an interview, it throws a red ag regarding their intent to pursue an opportunity that is presented to them. If they can’t even show up to speak with you, what makes you think they will take the interview and offer processes seriously? Secondly, if the person takes busi- ness casual a little too far and shows up in jeans and a t-shirt, either they don’t know the term “business casual”, or they just don’t care how they present themselves to a potential employ- er. Would you want them showing up to your client like that? The answer is undoubtedly NO. On the other hand, if the person is eager to meet you and shows up dressed professionally, you can be far more certain that the candidate is going to represent you and show far more enthusiasm when interviewing with our clients. A person’s character is far more readable during a face-to-face interaction rather than on the phone. How does this person present himself or herself in a one on one situation? Are they genuine?


Additionally, if a person can’t seem to nd the time to meet with you, but you feel this person is genuine in their interest, you can suggest that you bring the interview to them. Setting up out of of ce in-houses is perfectly acceptable. Grabbing a coffee early in the morning, or meeting them near their of ce during lunch is a great way to show the candidate that you are interested in working with them. You can also have them bring fellow employees with them. This gives you a chance to get some quick referrals.


ASSIGNMENT 22: Your on-going assignment this week is to complete at least 10 Pre- Screens and no less than 5 of them face to face. Have a Senior Recruiter sit in on the in house interviews.



Before you can hire someone, it is imperative that you check his or her professional referenc- es. We target former managers, as they are accustomed to providing references and serve as a more unbiased source of information. However, the primary goal of a professional refer- ence is to help provide additional marketing material for the candidate submittal as well as drive potential candidate and client leads. When candidates cannot provide former manag- ers or in uential references, it is an immediate red ag. Optomi’s submittal package requires at least one “in uential reference” prior to submitting and, on rare occasions, and only if the AE and Managing Director agree, a candidate can be submitted with a pending reference. However, you must have one in uential reference prior to an interview and the second refer- ence completed before the person gets hired.Some managers will answer ANY question you throw at them, while others are more re- served. Sometimes you will come across a situation where is against company policy to provide references. You can try to pry, but more than likely, you will need to get an additional reference from the candidate. If the candidate was exceptional, some managers will look past the company policy and talk about the candidate anyway. If they don’t, do not fret, just move on to the next references.

Lastly, and a lot of recruiters will rely heavily on this, the one question that really gets to paint a true picture is: “If you had a similar position open up in the future, would (candidate name) be your rst choice to ll that seat?” The answer to this question typically mirrors the recruiter’s wishes to work with that person. Usually when you hear answers like, “Absolutely, he was an excellent employee and I hope to work with him again.” or, “Without question, she would be my rst choice!”, you can rest assured that this candidate is a good catch. On the ip side, “Well, probably not my rst choice, but they did alright.” or, “No, there were a few issues that went unresolved before they left.”, are answers that are going to raise red ags and make you question your desire to work with this person. It is highly suggested you check the other references before making your decision based on this manager’s assessment, but under- stand that answers like that usually mean there is something to investigate when you speak with the candidate again.


ASSIGNMENT 23: Review the Reference Calls to drive Sales / Leads WebEx presentation.


ASSIGNMENT 24: You’ve obviously made some submits by now. Your assignment here is to start gathering references on those individuals. The reference template in BH has been provided to you. By week’s end, please have at least 2 references done for every candidate you have interviewed to date.



So you’ve got a candidate’s resume that reads like the job description. You’ve spoken with the person and brought them in for the in-house interview. You are 100% con dent that this person will get hired if you present them to the client. You come to nd out that the bill rate for this position doesn’t warrant the person’s requested pay rate. What do you do?


Salary negotiations are a tough part of a recruiter’s responsibility. Being able to talk a person into taking less money is no easy task. The better you are at identifying the key drivers for change (CLAMS) and positioning the SPIs the easier it will be to get them to take a lower rate. After all, candidates do not accept positions merely on RATE, DURATION and LOCATION. Candidates still want to be inspired and passionate about what they are doing. The easiest way to approach the mentioned dilemma is to be 100% honest with the candidate. Let them know that they are com- ing in high for this opportunity, reiterate the SPIs and reinforce the upside for taking the position based on what they said they wanted to accomplish in the PreScreen. Help them to make an informed decision. Take whatever answer they give as the nal say so. You can propose various situations, make a few suggestions, or just drop this deal altogether. We’re not here to make emp- ty promises to candidates. The last thing that you want to do is present a candidate to a client, get an offer, and then have to withdraw them because they won’t come down to the client’s rates. It makes you look incompetent as a recruiter, as well as the Account Executive.


When you get someone on board at a particular rate, con rm that rate with them frequently as you lead them through the process. Some people will try to up the ante when they get an offer. If you nd yourself in that position, it is sometimes suggested to pull the offer from them. Let them know that you have other candidates equally quali ed for the position willing to work at the rate you’d agreed on initially. The candidate will typically retract their request and move forward at the agreed rate.


How are you to know the minimum rate that the candidate will consider? Give them a situational question. “Mary, you are saying you’d ideally like to be at $50/hr. What if I had a position at $40/ hr? Would you still like to hear about that opportunity? No? How about $45/hr? Would you con- sider an opportunity at that rate?” The reality of supply and demand is that often times the market will set the hourly rate. Once you’ve interviewed enough candidates and have a good idea of the value for the skill set for rock stars, you’ll know if someone is pricing themselves out of the market.


On the other side of this argument, you’ll sometimes have candidates that aren’t aware of the go- ing rates for their respective skill set. They’ll come in way under what you had planned on paying the candidate in the rst place. This is a great situation to be in as you can potentially make some good money on the position, and you’ll make the contractor happy by providing more than what they had initially asked for. But there is a ne line between making good money on an opportunity and potentially destroying a relationship with candidate and client by making TOO much money. All it takes is a harmless conversation between a friendly manager and submissive contractor. If the manager comes to nd out that he is paying $80/hr for a person taking home $40/hr, there will be some unpleasant discussions between Optomi and the client.


And chances are, reputations will be tarnished, and ultimately you’ll be losing that consultant and all of their potential connections, as well as the relationship with that manager. And de- pending on how much heat we get, potentially lose the client all together. Again, our goal is to become the most reputable rm in every market. Make your living wisely and do the right thing.


ASSIGNMENT 25: Review the Recruiter Tool Kit with your Sr. Recruiter or Account Executive. Get a good understanding of the three types of employment scenarios available: Direct Hire, W2 or Corp to Corp and the variables associated with each option. Understand the differ- ence between Mark Up, GP Percentage, Hourly Spread and Burden Rate for each option.

Calculating Gross Pro t
Pay rate X Burden = Loaded Rate
Bill Rate – Loaded Rate = Gross Pro t Gross Pro t X 40 = Weekly Gross Pro t

$55/hr Pay Rate
$90/hr Bill Rate
$55.00/hr x 1.12 (Burden Rate) = 61.60/hr Loaded Pay Rate $90 – 61.60 = 28.30/hr Gross Pro t
$28.30/hr X 40 Hrs/week = $1132/week Gross Pro t



While a lot of the paperwork is taken care of, there are some things the recruiters are respon- sible for when hiring a new contractor. First, as stated in the previous section, you must have both references complete before the person can get hired onto our consultant team. There are no exceptions. Second, when you get the thumbs up from the client, you can begin lling out the New Start Form (found on the Optomi shared site). Complete all of the associated sections to be completed by the recruiter. When you are nished with that section, you are to email the Account Executive with your saved copy of the New Start Form. They will nish the rest of the required information and email the completed Start Form to Consultant Care.


Your next duty becomes to CONGRATULATE YOUR CANDIDATE and then inform the can- didate that they will be receiving a series of emails from our Consultant Care team regarding their employment with Optomi. Make sure you stay on top of them to get the appropriate forms of ID and the background check authorizations back to us as soon as possible. At any- time, you can check the New Starts spreadsheet on the shared site to see what information is still missing/pending from your candidate. The more the candidate realizes that this stuff is very important to get completed quickly, the better.


ASSIGNMENT 26: Read and review the Consultant New Hire On-boarding process. Reach out and speak with the Consultant Care Manager in your market.


ASSIGNMENT 27: There will be some Con rmed or Hires made this week. So nd out who has a new hire and sit down with them as they go through the process. It’s fairly simple, but can get pretty complicated if you miss a few steps along the way.


As crazy as it seems, resume editing is a necessary evil in our business. You would think that these mid-high level individuals could write a resume without errors present, but alas, this is de nitely not the case. You’ll nd errors in syntax and you’ll nd errors in grammar. Feel free to point these errors out to the individual. Make them aware that the resume is their rst impres- sion to hiring managers and they always want to put their best foot forward. You want to make sure the format is consistent through the resume as well. Inconsistent bolding, spac- ing, and alignment burns the eyes of hiring managers. The Account Executive should review the resume before they submit to relationship requirements, but most of the time we are bypassing that second set of eyes, so make sure you review the resume thoroughly before submitting.


Also, NEVER change the content of the resume without rst presenting it back to the candi- date. An example of this would be changing the title of a previous position to make the can- didate sound more attractive to the requirement you’re working on. If the person was listed as a Developer, and the reference says they were a Sr. Development Lead, let the candidate make the change.


ASSIGNMENT 28: Review the sample Candidate Submittal Packages. Review with a Sr. Recruiter what is required in the submittal with regard to font, key elements and resume best practices.


Congrats, you’re 3⁄4 of the way done with this on boarding program! What questions did you think of this week? Any of them unanswered? Additionally, we’d like you start thinking of your own critique for this program. Things you would change, things you would put more empha- sis on, things you’d like to see added for the next “green bean” to come along!


  1. What types of things about a candidate can be discovered over the phone?
  2. What types of things about a candidate can be discovered in person?
  3. Can you expense a morning coffee with a potential candidate?
  4. Sally comes to an in-house, dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. How do you coach her for future meetings?
  5. Who needs to be noti ed when you schedule an in-house interview?
  6. How many references should we have on le when starting a new consultant?
  7. When should you have the rst reference completed?
  8. Name two things you absolutely want to get out of every reference check.
  9. John gives you his preacher as a reference.
  10. What do you do?
  11. Who handles the bulk of the new hire paperwork?
  12. Who gets the new hire process started?
  13. What documents do we seek immediately after sending a contractor the new hire paperwork?
  14. What should you do if your candidate’s resume is full of grammar errors, various for matting discrepancies, and their listed email address is studmuf
  15. When is it okay to change the content of a resume?
  16. What is a good way to nd out a consultant’s absolute minimum rate?
  17. What do you do if the candidate changes their requested pay rate after an offer has been made?
  18. When do you recon rm an agreed upon pay rate with a candidate?
  19. How do you handle a consultant who has requested a pay rate signi cantly under the client’s proposed rates?
  20. What is your elevator pitch?
  21. How do you calculate GP?
  22. What questions do you have for Week Four?

Great Job! We’ll see you on Monday with the nal segment of your on-boarding, as well as some helpful hints in closing deals with a potential contractor.



• LEADS point you in the direction of who is hiring now, who needs talent today!

• These recruiter generated leads need to be your top priority & treated with a greater sense of urgency.

• The target account list you are creating provides you with a great starting point, however there
is nothing greater than getting a great client lead from your recruiters. It points you in the direction on who is hiring now, who needs great talent today! These recruiter generated leads need to be your top priority, as the timing is now for that company to bring in great talent. One great lead turns into a potential OTT or an Action Call, which can turn into a Fact Finding Meeting, which can turn into a Requisition, that turns into a Recruiter Candidate Submission, a client interview and then the ultimate goal a start! Great leads are what drive a successful business plan, but they have to be fol- lowed up and they must be treated with a greater sense of urgency.

Review the Information Technology 101 WebEx presentation.

Print associated SDLC Word Presentation.


So the time has come and you’re going to get on the phone with your first potential employees. What do you say? What do you talk about? What do you bring to the conversation? To answer these questions we’re going to allow you shadow some of the senior recruiters to get a feel for the relative tone of the conversation. Every recruiter is different in their approach to making calls. Remember one thing…people LOVE talking about themselves.

• LEADS point you in the direction of who is hiring now, who needs talent today!

• These recruiter generated leads need to be your top priority & treated with a greater sense of urgency.

• The target account list you are creating provides you with a great starting point, however there is nothing greater than getting a great client lead from your recruiters. It points you in the direction on who is hiring now, who needs great talent today!  These recruiter generated leads need to be your top priority, as the timing is now for that company to bring in great talent. One great lead turns into a potential OTT or an Action Call, which can turn into a Fact Finding Meeting, which can turn into a Requisition, that turns into a Recruiter Candidate Submission, a client interview and then the ultimate goal a start! Great leads are what drive a successful business plan, but they have to be followed up and they must be treated with a greater sense of urgency.

Review the Optomi Candidate Objections Role Play Document


  1. Acknowledge The Candidate’s Point of View
  2. Request Permission to Ask Questions
    1. Propose a limited agenda with value
  3. Check For Acceptance


How did you get my name? (Cold lead)



That’s a great question; I get it all the time. I hope you appreciate, I am extremely focused in the X area- my job is to talk to 100 plus people a week in this area. On any given day- I talk to senior management, candidates, centers of influence- you name it.  Do you have a second?




That is a fair question- one benefit of working for a large company with offices all over the country is the resources available to me and my group- today with all of the social networking sites, not to mention internet mining tools- we have the ability to connect with a lot of professionals. Our investment in these tools actually helps us differentiate us.


Agenda with value statement

I am calling about an opportunity with a cutting edge technology group, the hiring manager is looking for (build sizzle- the project involves… or the project is just getting started…the project needs someone to turn around, etc.)


Check for acceptance

My objective today is twofold- first, to get the word out about this specific opportunity and second to continue building centers of influence within my marketplace.  I am not sure if my timing is good for you personally- but as a professional- what do you think about the opportunity?


How did you get my name? (Warm lead)



Great question. I spoke with (person you spoke with) this week at a networking event (or referral, or reference, or hiring manager…) he spoke very highly of you, did not specify your interest in making a move- but felt with your industry background- you would be a great resource for networking.


Agenda with value statement

 My objective today is twofold- first, to get the word out about this specific opportunity and second to continue building centers of influence within my marketplace.


Check for acceptance

I am not sure if my timing is good for you personally- but as a professional- what are your thoughts on this opportunity- how do you think it would rank with what you are seeing in the market right now?


I get these calls all the time.



That doesn’t surprise me as, you have such a solid work history (or you have high demand skill set right now…) Let me tell you where I am coming from…


Agenda with value statement

I work specifically in the X field, some of my clients are (X and X) – The reason I am calling is today is twofold- first, to get the word out about this specific opportunity, and secondly- the reason I am successful- is my network is filled with people that are on contract for the next 30, 60, 90 etc. days- they want to be aware of the opportunities coming up- is that fair?


Check for acceptance

Even if you are not wanting to make a move now- I would like to know more about your current situation and if you were ever to make a move- what would an A opportunity look like to you, and I hope you appreciate I would like to know if you could point me in the direction of someone in your network that would be interested in my immediate opening.


I’m not looking right now.



That’s great.  I talk to people everyday that are not looking, rarely is my timing right. I am calling you to ask for some help- do you have a minute?


Agenda with value statement

The reason I am calling is today is twofold- first, to get the word out about this specific opportunity, and secondly- the reason I am successful- is my network is filled with people that are on contract for the next 30, 60, 90 etc. days- they want to be aware of the opportunities coming up- is that fair?


Check for acceptance

Even if you are not wanting to make a move now- I would like to know more about your current situation and if you were ever to make a move- what would an A opportunity look like to you, and I hope you appreciate I would like to know if you could point me in the direction of someone in your network that would be interested in my immediate opening.

Other agenda statements for “I’m not looking”

That’s fine. I don’t get paid to find people who are. Everything is about timing. Let me share some of the details of this search and if you find yourself still unimpressed, then you might want to open a door for someone you know.

Fair enough. But I assume you have a career plan.  [Wait for agreement]. Why don’t you share with me what you see as the next immediate step? The reason I am successful is because sometimes I can help the strongest candidates make that step sooner. What is the next step in your career?

That’s fine. Most of the candidates I work with are not looking. The best of the best use me as a measuring stick to keep them informed of opportunities in their space. Is there a company or set of circumstances you would want me to call you about?


The company you represent has too much turnover (or I have heard bad things about the company).



You know I’ve heard both good things and bad things about this company and that turn over has been an issue in the past but that has been resolved now.


Agenda with value statement

The reason I called you is because they are looking for new talent that can help them build a new corporate culture.   You stated that you liked challenges and that you were looking for advancement opportunities.


I believe you, and I would never send you somewhere I would not work.  I have not heard anything negative, and I have consultants on billing at this client that I communicate with regularly. Would it be helpful if I set up a conversation between you and a person we have currently working there (or a consultant that worked there in the past)?  Or- if the hiring manager can address your issues- would it be fair to allow the HM to speak regarding the company and the opportunity?


Check for acceptance

Would you like to hear more about the opportunity and how it may help develop a very solid career path for you or do you want me to present the opportunity to someone else?


I only want to work with fortune 500 companies


I agree with you that working with fortune 500 companies has advantages. They are bigger, perceived as more stable, I totally understand.


Agenda with value statement

The reason I called you about this job, although they are not a fortune 500 company, is that they are really growing and offer  X technology and it would provide opportunities for more responsibility as a X.  In a larger organization, you would be one of many and it is harder to differentiate yourself.   You stated when we first met that you liked challenges and that you were looking for advancement opportunities.


Check for acceptance

Would you like to hear more about the opportunity and how it may help develop a very solid career path for you or do you want me to present the opportunity to someone else?


I never give anyone my income information.



(Candidate’s name) I understand that you are uncomfortable in giving out personal information.  I’m sure that is because I have not earned your trust as a recruiter.


Agenda with value statement

Let’s step back a minute let me give you more information about my experience as a recruiter and how I differentiate myself. This is an excellent client and I don’t want you to miss out on an opportunity just because I’ve not done my job completely.


Check for acceptance

Please ask me any question you want, about me, my firm- or my experience in the X field- I would not expect you to just talk to anyone.  What may I answer for you?


I hate recruiters, and I don’t want to work with them.



I wish that was the first time I have ever heard that- unfortunately I hear that a lot.


Agenda with value statement

This is not a cold call, I work specifically with the X (name the vertical or skill), I work with (name drop companies), give me two minutes- let me answer any questions you may have about my background and the value that I bring to the consultants that work with me.

(If you are new)- I specifically am working with X (a vertical or skill set), although I am new, one thing I have learned the hard way already is not to push someone into a job- my job is to understand what drives the consultants I speak to, and notify them when an opportunity fits their needs- is that fair?


Check for acceptance

I would hate to see you miss a great opportunity, now or in the future, because of an ill informed recruiter,  would it be worth it for you to  spend a minutes to at least hear a little about the company/opportunity?


As you may have already experienced, there are times when candidates will present certain objections to working with you. Don’t

take it to heart. It happens. Objections will surface even if you have been awesome at differentiating yourself. If you’re not comfortable

with the word “No”, this probably isn’t the industry for you. On the flip side, there are ways of overcoming objections that are unobtrusive

and sometimes result in a qualified candidate coming to work with Optomi. Objections are the typical result of misunderstanding.

Overcoming these objections becomes a part of your everyday grind.

So what are some examples of typical objections?


1. “I’m currently on a contract.”– In our market, this objection comes up very frequently. Getting past this objection is as simple as

asking when their current contract is expiring. This opens up the conversation to further discussion about their current role, their ideal

position, what they are currently making, etc. Even if they don’t want to come off their current contract for professional reasons, building

that relationship now will help you down the road.


2. “I don’t like working with staffing firms.” – This is the sign of someone who’s been burned in the past. Try and get to the bottom

of this objection by asking questions around it. Try to find out what brought them to this conclusion. Have they been made empty

promises in the past? What happened the last time they were on contract? You essentially want to do your best to reassure the candidate’s

confidence in staffing firms, and more importantly, their confidence in you as a recruiter.


3. “I won’t work for less than X per hour for contracts.” – Some people have been blinded to the market by previous contracts/positions.

When you have a candidate that asks for a ridiculous amount of money, call them out on it. Ask them why that is their minimum

rate. It’s okay to express your expertise to a delusional candidate. Let them know that you’re not an expert on determining someone’s

worth, but that you have a fair idea on the going rate for someone with their amount of experience. Typically, people will understand

that you know more about pay rates in a market than they do.


4. “I’m not interested.” – This objection pops up once in a while and it’s usually tied to not doing a good job on CLAMS discovery.

Again, getting to the root of this statement can be difficult, but try to figure out why. If they have a decent resume, this candidate may

have just gotten 30 calls about the requirement you’re working on. If that’s the case, let them know that while they may already be

submitted, you have other opportunities that to which your competition may not have access. See what you can find out from them

by asking them for referrals. Taking the attention away from them will sometimes get candidates to open up.

Before you drop the training wheels, you are going to need to role-play with a senior recruiter. Your assignmenthere is: utilizing Outlook, send an invitation to meet with a senior recruiter to set up a mock call.You will be the recruiter, and the senior recruiter will act as the candidate. The senior recruiter will provideyou feedback regarding your phone call. If you are still a little shaky, feel free to repeat the meeting with another senior recruiter.

Review the Optomi Job Order / Submittal Package Templates


Chris Flores

Culture Fit:

Chris has over 20 years of Networking Engineering experience with a focus on leading engineering teams tasked with designing, engineering and deploying carrier-grade network infrastructures.  This included the responsibility of bringing new products, services or capabilities to market.  Responsibility included Data Center routing, switching server load balancing, security (firewalls-IDS/IPS), compute, virtualization and storage.  While at Cypress Communications he led the Network Security group, which was a critical business component due to their private equity ownership by a Middle Eastern company and as well as bi-annual audits by both the FBI and DHS.


Opt-to-Vue:  Chris Flores Video Link

Password: Optomi


Core Client Criteria:

Spearheaded the development and deployment of a greenfield hybrid cloud infrastructure to offer IaaS (Infrastructure), PaaS (Platform) and SaaS (Software) offerings to Cbeyond’s business customers. That infrastructure was comprised of Cisco Systems routing (ASR 9006), Cisco Systems switching (Nexus 7010/5548/2248), F5 Server Load Balancing, Fortinet Fortigate firewalls, Cisco Systems UCS compute and EMC storage.

  • 15+ years of Service Provider experience who has worked extensively with network elements manufactured by Cisco Systems.  For a majority of this time he worked with IP (Internet) networks and technologies.
  • 13 years experience with Ethernet/Optical transport networks starting at OnFiber and extending to Cbeyond.
  • 14 years of experience with Data Center networks starting at Broadwing and extending to Cbeyond.


Reference Quote: 

I worked closely with Chris and his team in the development of several new product initiatives. I am impressed with his leadership and technical knowledge. Not only did his team have the utmost respect for him, he constantly challenged himself and his team to come up with solutions to complex product requirements and issues. He successfully managed numerous product initiatives along with his organizations customary workload and held his team accountable to deadlines.


Chris Scheels, Director of Product Marketing, Cypress Communications 

Christopher O. Flores


Network Design Network Engineering Network Security New Product Development Project Management Network Cost Management Contract Review & Negotiations Finance & Budgeting Team Building & Leadership


Visionary network engineering leader with diverse experience ranging from start-ups to International Telecommunications carriers. Creative technology director with the ability to identify solutions that will support business objectives. Innovative strategic planner able to simultaneously envision the macro- and micro-views and create roadmaps to success. Expertise in identifying all viable options and communicating the strategy, risks, issues and benefits of each to senior executives and non-technical stakeholders. Proven ability to identify talented individuals and mentor them to create high performing teams that achieve business goals.

  • Combine technical expertise with strong business acumen and operational understanding; ensure all technical strategies and activities align with corporate goals
  • Expertly oversee large-scale engineering projects, networks, and infrastructures—from initial planning and development to implementation and enhancements



Cbeyond, Atlanta Georgia   May 2011 – Present

Cbeyond is the Technology Ally™ for small and mid-sized businesses. We deliver cloud services, communications and connectivity through award-winning enterprise data centers and a private, IP enterprise network.

Senior Director of Network & Voice Engineering

Recruited to transform the Network Engineering team and ultimately assumed the Voice Engineering team as well due to my success. Crafted and executed strategies to optimize and scale the voice and data network infrastructures. Developed technology strategy and secured executive leadership approval. Directed Research & Development initiatives that led to new product development and introduction. Led network element Operating System (OS) quality and reliability initiatives. Provided strategic product implementation support services, resolving core engineering and design issues. Cultivated and managed relationships with vendors.

  • Provided executive leadership, strategic planning, technology implementation and support for $500M annual business
  • Managed variable annual capital budget and $5M annual operating budget while leading a team of 12 telecommunications professionals
  • Secured $27.8M in capital funding during my tenure by lobbying to a Capital Review Board comprised of Executive Leadership
  • Partnered with Human Resources to institute a six tier technical hierarchy in engineering that created a technical career path outside of management which yielded increased employee satisfaction & retention
  • Negotiated pricing with multiple vendors for larger project oriented purchases and consistently secured 15-20% in additional discounts over standard rack rate
  • Assumed a failing project to implement MPLS based IP VPN functionality and was ultimately successful in accelerating the deployment to meet the original project plan with no adverse customer impacts
  • Guided the development and implementation of a greenfield Carrier Ethernet access network in seven native fiber markets thereby providing customer access bandwidths ranging from 10Mbps to 1Gbps
  • Directed an initiative to upgrade all the core routers comprising the IP backbone network to increase performance & scale by >200%
  • Led the development and implementation of a greenfield hybrid cloud infrastructure that was utilized to provide Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and Software as a Service (SaaS) offerings. This business segment exceeded $50M annually in 2014
  • Directed the re-design and implementation of a new SIP trunking infrastructure that increased capacity 20x and subsequently enabled the addition of specialized SIP peers that saved the business >20% in ILD/LD costs and provided >$1M in additional annual revenue
  • Championed research efforts regarding Software Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Function Virtualization (NFV). Coordinated with cross-functional leadership to understand their needs and ultimately derived practical use cases that demonstrated value to the business
  • Represent Cbeyond at the Metro Ethernet Forum (MEF) quarterly meetings and champion the incorporation of the MEF standards within Cbeyond’s products & services
  • Successfully completed the Cbeyond Leadership Development Program


Independent Consultant, Atlanta Georgia   February 2010 – present

Network design/engineering and product management engagements for multiple service providers and large enterprises

  • Engaged by the Business Services marketing group at a large Service Provider to better define the product requirements for their Enterprise VoIP, Business Class High Speed Internet and Business Class Metro Ethernet Access service offerings
  • Developed an Excel based planning tool for a large Fortune 500 Enterprise that would derive the anticipated bandwidth demand at each office location based on set of desired applications
  • Designed & engineered a greenfield IP services platform to deliver Dedicated Internet (DIA) and IP VPN services for a regional metro fiber service provider


Cypress Communications, Atlanta Georgia May 2006 – February 2010

Privately held Building/Competitive Local Exchange Carrier offering managed IP telephony (CaaS) and data services to SMB and small enterprise customers throughout twenty nine markets within the domestic Unites States


Vice President, Network Architecture & Security

Brought onboard to establish the Network Planning & Architecture department from the ground up expanding the department from no members to sixteen. Instituted network planning, project management, network security and capacity planning processes & procedures throughout the department. Instituted network design best practices to ultimately stabilize and optimize the existing network infrastructures

  • Provided executive leadership, strategic planning, technology implementation and support for $80M annual business
  • Managed $5M annual capital budget & $15M annual operating budget while leading a team of 16 telecommunications professionals
  • Identified & removed ~$6M in accumulated operational costs during my tenure by renegotiating vendor contracts and/or optimizing the network
  • Guided the development and implementation of a MPLS based IP VPN solution that functioned as the foundation to offer enhanced data services to Cypress’s business customers
  • Led the redesign and enhancement of the Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS) platform to simplify service provisioning & management while also offering more sophisticated features for larger business customers
  • Developed forecasting and trending tools for capacity planning and traffic management ensuring efficient network planning and management. Directed the planning and placement of network element growth by analyzing data for the optimization of collocations, hubs, and switches, and established new site locations when necessary
  • Facilitated the technical due diligence for a Cloud Services (IAAS/PAAS) acquisition that had the potential of adding $25M of top line revenue to the overall business


Deutsche Telekom       August 2002 – September 2005

Deutsche Telekom is one of the world’s largest telecommunications carriers. Deutsche Telekom provides network access, communication services and value-added services with ever increasing bandwidth via fixed and mobile networks


Chief Engineer, Global Technical Engineering        August 2003 – September 2005

T-Systems Division, Dallas Texas

One of the leaders of a global engineering organization tasked to architect, engineer and deploy a global IP network dedicated to offering VPN services based on IETF RFC 4364 to Deutsche Telekom’s business customers


Lead Engineer, IP Engineering August 2002 – August 2003

T-Mobile Division, Seattle Washington

Senior member of a team that architected and engineered a national converged IP network that provided transport and Internet access to disparate service networks such as GPRS, WAP, WiFi HotSpot, MMS, SMS, and WIG (to name a few)



OnFiber Communications, Austin Texas


Senior Network Architect

Senior member of a team that architected and engineered metro based SONET & Carrier Ethernet networks to provide wholesale network access services to various service providers


Broadwing Communications, Austin Texas


Manager, Data Services Architecture

Leader for a team of highly skilled Data Network Architects that design and engineer the Broadwing IP and ATM networks to meet requirements for customer growth, technology advances and new functionality


Sprint, Reston Virginia

Operations Engineer, Internet Service Center


Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, New York

Bachelor of Science

Electrical Engineering



  • Coach youth baseball in Canton Georgia
  • Coach youth soccer in Canton Georgia
  • Tutored inner-city elementary students in the areas of reading and math while living in Rochester, New York.

Review the Optomi Job REQUIREMENT Lockdown lockdown



Job Req Insight 



Work hours (Flex-time and OT):

Possible Remote:

Job Type:

If Contract to Hire, what is your salary range upon conversion:

If DH, can I get a copy/details of your benefits:

Duration, is there a possibility of extension:

Bill Rate Or Salary Range: Is there any flexibility:


Background check requirements:

  • Responsibilities of the position (include % of daily duties of the role) WHAT does their day-to-day look like?
  • Top 3 skills and technologies you are looking for in a candidate-absolute “must have’s”
  • What are your top 3 “nice to have’s”
  • Are they working on a specific project for you? Please provide overview.
  • What is the team Landscape (how many, what are their skills, etc.)


Candidate Profile

  • Ideal Candidate (including cultural fit/personality)
    • Names of individuals or companies they want you to target in your search.      
    • Certifications Required or Preferred      
  • Selling Points of Interest for the company; “Mr. Client, we often work with passive candidates who are already employed, why would someone want to work here?”
    • Strong team environment?
    • Perks (lunches brought in, team building events’, casual dress)
  • Why is this role open? By when does it need to be filled and if not filled, what happens? (How motivated are they to hire a new person?)


Urgency / Timing / Control 

  • What have you done so far to fill this position?
  • What have you seen already that you liked or disliked from your current vendors or HR?
  • Interview Process including interview times
    • What are the steps in the interview process, i.e (PS, F2F, Technical Test)
    • Who will be involved in the interview process
    • How long does your interview process typically take from start to finish?
  • Hypothetically, let’s say you like a candidate we present, what’s the process on your end to onboard?       Do you anticipate any roadblocks?
  • Discuss Optomi’s process and interview stream:
    • Qualifying questions? (If a candidate has an interview stream, would you consider skipping the PS?)      
  • How quickly can I expect feedback after an interview (explain our typical process and expectations)     
  • If we don’t already have a signed MSA, what is the process to get it signed (Does this get us on the vendors list?)


Client Culture Fit      

Top 3-5 Core Client Criteria      

Client’s Formal Job Description (in-depth) “Attach” 

Review the Good Sample



About Asurion:

Asurion is the global leader in technology protection services. From lost, stolen and damaged wireless handsets to malfunctioning computers, gaming systems and more, Asurion, together with sister-company NEW, provides more than 200 million consumers worldwide with best-in-class service, repair, replacement and delivery. The company also provides products which can protect a consumer

Job Order Insight


Position Term DIRECT HIRE 

Salary $130k to $145k ($150k max for ROCK STAR)

20% bonus (based on company / individual performance)

+ equity options + 5 yrs

typically 100% to 130% of bonus for last few years

Will pay relocation bonus up to $35k to $60k for director level


Title and Responsibilities of the position (include % of daily duties of the role)

Director Premier Support Application Delivery Program Management

This is a Functional / Business Program Manager with a focus on development life cycles (CRM related but in house)

Person will help in the recruiting and development of high performance team


Top 3-5 qualifications you are looking for in a candidate (test against the qualifications listed on the job description)

Business Facing (Internal clients) Program Management Exp

Heavy on Technical Support projects

Great with internal communications

Experience with enterprise CRM applications

Kana (but MSCRM, Siebel, Salesforce or SAP) experience will be helpful.

Experience in supporting Product owners

(project will be developing internal software tools that support call center support personnel who support end users AT&T / Verizon customers)


Details, Size, and Scope/Budget of Projects 

Current team is only 4 or 5 but growing to 15

Position will report to Greg Newton Sr. Director of Mobile Technology.

Budget scope in the millions and 2 to 3 years in development and roll out.


Short/Long Term Objectives of the position 

To develop and customize packaged software (Kana) to an internal and usable tool for driving sales / customer service for internal technical support teams.


Breakdown of the team 

Project Manager

3 Business Analyst

Development Director

2 Lead CRM Developers (Lead x 2)

2 x CRM developers

Challenges of this role


Candidate Profile

Ideal Candidate (including cultural fit/personality)

Hands on Director level who can help drive and managed highly skilled development teams.

Someone who likes 60% functional/business and 40% technical

More on the development SDLC and not infrastructure side.

Good at managing delivery teams

This is not an individual contributor role but would like someone who can be hands on.

HIGH Energy self starter someone willing to jump in the mix.


Selling Points of Interest for the company

Ground floor of a new development team and project that will help drive the sales and sales support of internal support tools.

Company has several product lines

Asuron Mobility

Asurion Retail

Global Mobile Insurance

Mobile Recovery services

Mobile Recovery Location Service

Problem or issue this vacancy is causing (motivated to hire a new person)


Interview Process including interview times

Phone Screen w/ Kent

Phone Screen w/ Greg

Face to face with team and management team

Specific target date to fill (now you know the time frame)/Confirmed start date


Have interviewed a few candidates but they were more infrastructure focused than SDLC development


Urgency / Timing / Control 

What have you done so far to fill this position?

Exclusive / Out to Top Vendors / Out to everyone

A few firms are working on this and a few candidates interviewed but no one in pipeline.

Do you have any internal candidates in the interview process?

No one at this time

Discuss Optomis process and interview stream:

Can you give us 3-5 qualifying questions you would like to see in the interview stream? 

Established Bill Rate and Conversion Salaries including Bonus / Perm Salary


Contract process to get signed (Does this get us on the vendors list?)

We like to form long term relationships with our clients at Optomi What other critical project needs do you have coming down the pipe and are there any other departments you interface with on a regular basis that we could help?

Clients Formal Job Description (in-depth)


Client’s Formal Job Description (in-depth)

Director / Program Manager for Application Delivery 

Optomi in partnership with a global leader in the telecom services industry is seeking a Director / Program Manager to support their Application Delivery Programs.  Program Management will include the management and coordination of multiple globally disparate delivery teams for a portfolio of large multi-year, global projects.

Application portfolio includes packaged software, custom developed software, Software as a Services (SAAS), Advanced Data Analytics and services based integration to other internal systems that enable the company’s highly skilled Technical Support associates the ability to assist customers and to solve technical issues with the mobile devices.


What the right professional will enjoy!

  • Opportunity to grow professionally within a global company that leads the industry in mobile application development and support
  • Opportunity to work on highly visible projects to customize/implement new CRM/Knowledge Management tools to help drive KPIs
  • Excellent pay + bonus opportunities to include Health Benefits!!!
  • Relocation assistance available for qualified candidates.

The Director of Application Delivery Program Management should have experience in leading for large, complex Global Projects as well as leading cross- functional teams that drive critical applications for both business users and technology delivery professionals.


Primary Responsibilities:

  • Leadership of a team of Project Managers that are charged with delivery for multiple simultaneous, million dollar plus projects
  • Manage technology budgets for the above product and projects and give updates to IT and Business Operations Leadership
  • Acts as single IT point of contact, liaison, and advocate between business partners and all IT departments
  • Management of vendors to include software vendors and 3rd party contract labor
  • Identify emerging business opportunities and consults business and technology partners to create solution options
  • Drive IT/business initiative planning and business case creation
  • Collaborate with senior business partners to identify and forecast demand
  • Advocate business partners’ project prioritization across the organization


Important experience includes:

  • Experience in Program Management of Large, multi-million dollar global portfolio of projects
  • Experience in Program Management for case management enterprise software in a customer service call center environment
  • Experience with the following applications (Kana, MSCRM, Siebel, Salesforce, SAP, Pega, etc
  • Experience with Knowledge base technology (Oracle Rightnow, Kana, Oracle Knowledge Management/Inquira) also preferred
  • Strong technical aptitude in Mobile Software Platforms (Android, iPhone, Windows Mobile, Blackberry) to relate to the needs of the Technical Support Associates
  • Experience leading Software Delivery project utilizing various software development lifecycle methodologies, both traditional (e.g., MSF) and agile (e.g., Scrum)
  • Experience with large scale, data driven, decision support systems (Big Data, correlation engine, analysis of large volumes of unstructured data, predictive analytics) and rules engines (Blaze Advisor, JRules/ILOG, Pega, Drools, Open Rules)



  • Bachelor’s degree in Computer Sciences, Engineering, or related field (an equivalent combination of related education, training, and experience may be considered).  Master’s Degree preferred.
  • 10 years of Project Management of software delivery, preferably in one or more of the following areas (or combination thereof):
  • Software products
  • Telecommunications industry
  • Insurance / claims industry
  • Relevant IT disciplines
  • 6 years resource planning and people management
  • Ability to work closely with the business to achieve full potential goals

Bad Sample

Wellstar is looking for a Sr. VMWARE sys admin to join Ryan’s team and have a “Team lead” responsibility.

Below are the details:

Necessary technologies:

Citrix XenApp 5.0 & 6.5 experience

VCAP Certification

Windows Server virtualization experience

VDI experience

Team Lead experience – needs someone that can own the team, take responsibility, initiative, and able to delegate tasks to the team and give status updates to Manager

7-10 years of experience preferably within an Enterprise environment

This person will also be working with the VMware Architects to ensure the environment is prepped properly

**this is a replacement for someone that was promoted into another position**

Team Size:

Linux = 2

Windows = 7

VMware = 4

interview process: ryan will do a 30 minute phone screen to feel out their personality, then bring the candidates in for a one hour face to face with him and the team.

salary: around 90K

Submittal Process

You’re now at the stage where you feel good about the candidate you have and it is time to present them over to the client. This is the most crucial part in the sales process and it is traditionally the point where most Account Executives fail.


The ideal situation is for you to get your client on the phone before ever presenting the candidate, so you can sell your candidate and get your client excited about them. Once you have that client on the phone, then go ahead and send your candidate’s profile via email. This is another reason why it is important for you as the AE to understand why this candidate is the best fit for your client’s position, as it gives you the opportunity to sell your candidate to the client and you must be prepared to do so. Most AE’s stop selling once they get the requirement. You have to continue to sell throughout the process; especially at the time you are presenting your candidate.


There will be many cases when you are struggling to get the client on the phone and you are anxious to get you candidate over, as we know time is of an essence and we don’t want to allow our competition to get their candidates in before us. Once you have determined that you cannot get that client on the phone, it is appropriate to send your candidate’s profile over in an email, but then you should immediately follow up with a phone call. Don’t be afraid to leave a message, expressing your excitement on the candidate you just presented. If you are not excited about your candidate, why should your client be?


Again, if you have set expectations on the front-end with your client and walked them through a successful process, you will have greater success moving to the next phase in the process.


Email Submittal:

The submittal comprises of your email and the attached resume with an Optomi Letter.


This is basic content; the AE should edit the email that the TR uses to send the candidate over to them, based on their relationship with the client. The TR will also include details that may only be for the AE, ensure you read the email thoroughly and edit as needed. YOU are responsible for the submittal; do not send it if you do not feel the candidate is a fit.


Some clients will request that we do not use our standard submittal package, you will need to customize your approach as you work with various clients. However, this is our standard “go to market” package and should be used unless your client requests otherwise.

Submittal Process Summary


Chris Flores

Culture Fit:

Chris has over 20 years of Networking Engineering experience with a focus on leading engineering teams tasked with designing, engineering and deploying carrier-grade network infrastructures.  This included the responsibility of bringing new products, services or capabilities to market.  Responsibility included Data Center routing, switching server load balancing, security (firewalls-IDS/IPS), compute, virtualization and storage.  While at Cypress Communications he led the Network Security group, which was a critical business component due to their private equity ownership by a Middle Eastern company and as well as bi-annual audits by both the FBI and DHS.


Opt-to-Vue:  Chris Flores Video Link

Password: Optomi


Core Client Criteria:

Spearheaded the development and deployment of a greenfield hybrid cloud infrastructure to offer IaaS (Infrastructure), PaaS (Platform) and SaaS (Software) offerings to Cbeyond’s business customers. That infrastructure was comprised of Cisco Systems routing (ASR 9006), Cisco Systems switching (Nexus 7010/5548/2248), F5 Server Load Balancing, Fortinet Fortigate firewalls, Cisco Systems UCS compute and EMC storage.

  • 15+ years of Service Provider experience who has worked extensively with network elements manufactured by Cisco Systems.  For a majority of this time he worked with IP (Internet) networks and technologies.
  • 13 years experience with Ethernet/Optical transport networks starting at OnFiber and extending to Cbeyond.
  • 14 years of experience with Data Center networks starting at Broadwing and extending to Cbeyond.


Reference Quote: 

I worked closely with Chris and his team in the development of several new product initiatives. I am impressed with his leadership and technical knowledge. Not only did his team have the utmost respect for him, he constantly challenged himself and his team to come up with solutions to complex product requirements and issues. He successfully managed numerous product initiatives along with his organizations customary workload and held his team accountable to deadlines.


Chris Scheels, Director of Product Marketing, Cypress Communications 

Christopher O. Flores


Network Design Network Engineering Network Security New Product Development Project Management Network Cost Management Contract Review & Negotiations Finance & Budgeting Team Building & Leadership


Visionary network engineering leader with diverse experience ranging from start-ups to International Telecommunications carriers. Creative technology director with the ability to identify solutions that will support business objectives. Innovative strategic planner able to simultaneously envision the macro- and micro-views and create roadmaps to success. Expertise in identifying all viable options and communicating the strategy, risks, issues and benefits of each to senior executives and non-technical stakeholders. Proven ability to identify talented individuals and mentor them to create high performing teams that achieve business goals.

  • Combine technical expertise with strong business acumen and operational understanding; ensure all technical strategies and activities align with corporate goals
  • Expertly oversee large-scale engineering projects, networks, and infrastructures—from initial planning and development to implementation and enhancements



Cbeyond, Atlanta Georgia   May 2011 – Present

Cbeyond is the Technology Ally™ for small and mid-sized businesses. We deliver cloud services, communications and connectivity through award-winning enterprise data centers and a private, IP enterprise network.

Senior Director of Network & Voice Engineering

Recruited to transform the Network Engineering team and ultimately assumed the Voice Engineering team as well due to my success. Crafted and executed strategies to optimize and scale the voice and data network infrastructures. Developed technology strategy and secured executive leadership approval. Directed Research & Development initiatives that led to new product development and introduction. Led network element Operating System (OS) quality and reliability initiatives. Provided strategic product implementation support services, resolving core engineering and design issues. Cultivated and managed relationships with vendors.

  • Provided executive leadership, strategic planning, technology implementation and support for $500M annual business
  • Managed variable annual capital budget and $5M annual operating budget while leading a team of 12 telecommunications professionals
  • Secured $27.8M in capital funding during my tenure by lobbying to a Capital Review Board comprised of Executive Leadership
  • Partnered with Human Resources to institute a six tier technical hierarchy in engineering that created a technical career path outside of management which yielded increased employee satisfaction & retention
  • Negotiated pricing with multiple vendors for larger project oriented purchases and consistently secured 15-20% in additional discounts over standard rack rate
  • Assumed a failing project to implement MPLS based IP VPN functionality and was ultimately successful in accelerating the deployment to meet the original project plan with no adverse customer impacts
  • Guided the development and implementation of a greenfield Carrier Ethernet access network in seven native fiber markets thereby providing customer access bandwidths ranging from 10Mbps to 1Gbps
  • Directed an initiative to upgrade all the core routers comprising the IP backbone network to increase performance & scale by >200%
  • Led the development and implementation of a greenfield hybrid cloud infrastructure that was utilized to provide Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and Software as a Service (SaaS) offerings. This business segment exceeded $50M annually in 2014
  • Directed the re-design and implementation of a new SIP trunking infrastructure that increased capacity 20x and subsequently enabled the addition of specialized SIP peers that saved the business >20% in ILD/LD costs and provided >$1M in additional annual revenue
  • Championed research efforts regarding Software Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Function Virtualization (NFV). Coordinated with cross-functional leadership to understand their needs and ultimately derived practical use cases that demonstrated value to the business
  • Represent Cbeyond at the Metro Ethernet Forum (MEF) quarterly meetings and champion the incorporation of the MEF standards within Cbeyond’s products & services
  • Successfully completed the Cbeyond Leadership Development Program


Independent Consultant, Atlanta Georgia   February 2010 – present

Network design/engineering and product management engagements for multiple service providers and large enterprises

  • Engaged by the Business Services marketing group at a large Service Provider to better define the product requirements for their Enterprise VoIP, Business Class High Speed Internet and Business Class Metro Ethernet Access service offerings
  • Developed an Excel based planning tool for a large Fortune 500 Enterprise that would derive the anticipated bandwidth demand at each office location based on set of desired applications
  • Designed & engineered a greenfield IP services platform to deliver Dedicated Internet (DIA) and IP VPN services for a regional metro fiber service provider


Cypress Communications, Atlanta Georgia May 2006 – February 2010

Privately held Building/Competitive Local Exchange Carrier offering managed IP telephony (CaaS) and data services to SMB and small enterprise customers throughout twenty nine markets within the domestic Unites States


Vice President, Network Architecture & Security

Brought onboard to establish the Network Planning & Architecture department from the ground up expanding the department from no members to sixteen. Instituted network planning, project management, network security and capacity planning processes & procedures throughout the department. Instituted network design best practices to ultimately stabilize and optimize the existing network infrastructures

  • Provided executive leadership, strategic planning, technology implementation and support for $80M annual business
  • Managed $5M annual capital budget & $15M annual operating budget while leading a team of 16 telecommunications professionals
  • Identified & removed ~$6M in accumulated operational costs during my tenure by renegotiating vendor contracts and/or optimizing the network
  • Guided the development and implementation of a MPLS based IP VPN solution that functioned as the foundation to offer enhanced data services to Cypress’s business customers
  • Led the redesign and enhancement of the Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS) platform to simplify service provisioning & management while also offering more sophisticated features for larger business customers
  • Developed forecasting and trending tools for capacity planning and traffic management ensuring efficient network planning and management. Directed the planning and placement of network element growth by analyzing data for the optimization of collocations, hubs, and switches, and established new site locations when necessary
  • Facilitated the technical due diligence for a Cloud Services (IAAS/PAAS) acquisition that had the potential of adding $25M of top line revenue to the overall business


Deutsche Telekom       August 2002 – September 2005

Deutsche Telekom is one of the world’s largest telecommunications carriers. Deutsche Telekom provides network access, communication services and value-added services with ever increasing bandwidth via fixed and mobile networks


Chief Engineer, Global Technical Engineering        August 2003 – September 2005

T-Systems Division, Dallas Texas

One of the leaders of a global engineering organization tasked to architect, engineer and deploy a global IP network dedicated to offering VPN services based on IETF RFC 4364 to Deutsche Telekom’s business customers


Lead Engineer, IP Engineering August 2002 – August 2003

T-Mobile Division, Seattle Washington

Senior member of a team that architected and engineered a national converged IP network that provided transport and Internet access to disparate service networks such as GPRS, WAP, WiFi HotSpot, MMS, SMS, and WIG (to name a few)



OnFiber Communications, Austin Texas


Senior Network Architect

Senior member of a team that architected and engineered metro based SONET & Carrier Ethernet networks to provide wholesale network access services to various service providers

Broadwing Communications, Austin Texas


Manager, Data Services Architecture

Leader for a team of highly skilled Data Network Architects that design and engineer the Broadwing IP and ATM networks to meet requirements for customer growth, technology advances and new functionality

Sprint, Reston Virginia

Operations Engineer, Internet Service Center



Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, New York

Bachelor of Science

Electrical Engineering



  • Coach youth baseball in Canton Georgia
  • Coach youth soccer in Canton Georgia
  • Tutored inner-city elementary students in the areas of reading and math while living in Rochester, New York.