Candidate Reactivation

The process of Candidate Reactivation is simply reaching back out to Candidates / Consultants who have had some sort of relationship with Optomi in the past. This could be a candidate that we placed 3+ years ago that has not been contacted in 2 years, a candidate that we sent out to a client or even just a candidate that we met or conducted a prescreen with.


The Goal is to “re-activate” that relationship and understand what they have done with their career since the last time we connected. This is a great practice with candidates that we have full contact information with in Bullhorn and might already know of Optomi and what we offer!


How to come up with these lists:


Previous Placements:

  1. Working under the Candidates Tab, select the search bar




  1. Under Additional Criteria, select a location radius for where you want to search & under placements select “With Placements
  • If you were looking for a specific skillset or type of candidate, keep in mind you can enter the keywords in the Search bar



  1. After your search yields results, filter the results by Last Note – Ascending (this will show you candidates that we have placed, that do not have any notes in the system until that date).



  1. Select any candidates that you want to add to a “Tear Sheet” and save




Previous Send Outs:

  1. Follow the same steps as above, this time we are going to search for a specific skillset in the Search Bar. Within Additional Criteria, we are searching based off of Location as well as With SendOuts.



Previous Prescreened Candidates:

  1. Follow the same steps as above, this time we are adding Advanced Note Searching and selecting Does Have – Action – Include Any – Prescreen.