Send Out / Interview Prep & Debrief 



Submittal Packages

Optomi Resume and AE Submission Standard

We will review how to successfully send over a candidate submittal package. Why is this important?

  • Creates unified submittal packages across the entire company
  • Better enables the sales team to sell the candidate to our customer
  • Gives a clear understanding to our customer on WHY they are a fit for their open position

It is important to keep the formatting aligned in each of our submittals. This is a highly important step in the Delivery Workflow Process, as we are selling the candidate to our customer. Please ensure you slow down when crafting and also reading through it again, thoroughly, to ensure there are no grammatical errors or formatting issues.


Below is your template and examples of how a candidate’s submittal package should be built out and attached within BH to send to an AE for a submittal:


Use this blank Optomi letterhead for all submittals


What the Client should see:


Check out this link for your AE submission and requirement in Bullhorn


Check out this link below to walk through each step the Recruiter and AE will be following to properly submit a candidate through BH:


OPS2.0 Bullhorn Workflow Detail



Interview Prep:


Taking the time to prep our candidates for interviews is extremely important. It is a step in the process where we want to slow down to speed up! We work with very talented professionals, but at times we must guide them on what to say or how to act in an interview. Remember, they are an expert in IT, we are the experts in helping them land the job!


An interview prep should be done by both the Recruiter and Account Executive. We always want to dual our efforts because the Recruiter knows the candidate best and the Account Executive knows the client best. It gives you the ability to prep on the candidates experience and the client overall, so we don’t allow anything to fall through the cracks.



  • To educate the candidate on the context, setting, attendees, focus and overall preparation of the interview with the client
  • To provide the candidate with interviewing best practices, client overview and culture, logistics and set follow up expectations
  • To better sell the candidate on the client
  • To continue closing/locking down the candidate, making sure nothing has changed in their current situation


Rule of Thumb:

  • For every interview prep, both Recruiter and Account Executive should be present and involved
  • Can take place over phone or in-person
  • Should take place 24 hours before interview


Before the Interview Prep:

  • Schedule a time that works for the candidate, Recruiter and Account Executive
  • Ensure to send calendar invite once time is confirmed for all parties
  • Send an email to the candidate using the format below and with the following attachments:
    • Optomi formatted resume we sent to client (not their full submittal)
    • Interview fact sheet
    • Job Description
    • Optomi’s benefit package (if a contract W2 candidate)


Check out 3 examples of Interview Preps sent out to Candidates:

Interview Prep Example 1

Interview Prep Example 2

Interview Prep Example 3


What to cover during an Interview Prep:

Setting and status of the interview:

  • Phone, In-Person, Video Conference
  • First Round, 2nd/3rd Round, Final


What is the anticipated outcome of the interview?

  • Pending interview stage, what will be covered?
  • If this is a technical screen, what would be next steps?


Who from the client will be attending the interview?

  • What is their role?
  • What is their relationship with Optomi?


What will client focus on in the interview?

  • Pending interview stage, is this is high- level, technical, or in-depth conversation?
    • If technical, will there be white boarding or coding exercises?
  • Are there specific topics/questions we know will be asked?


How will the interview take place?

  • Is this a panel interview?
  • Will various people meet 1 on 1 with the candidate?
  • Is it formal or more conversational?


Are there specific items the candidate wants to learn from the interview?

  • Can vary pending on the interview stage
  • Should gain these before interview so we can prepare our client


Make sure the candidate is preparing questions for the client logistics:

  • Who will be meeting the client or dialing in for the interview from Optomi?
  • Where will they meet and when?
  • Set a time to debrief afterwards
    • Get specific times and send over calendar invite


How to document / log in BH:

After the Interview Prep is completed, you log any relevant notes & updates in the system under that candidate. The Template “Optomi – Interview Prep” is a great list of questions you should be trying to answer during every prep. When you log the Prep, make sure to Tag the BH Job that is relevant to that interview under “Additional References”.




Interview Debrief:



The Interview Debrief is just as important as the interview prep. It allows us to get a pulse on how the candidate did in the interview, if they are still interested in the position and if an offered was made, would they accept.


The purpose of interview debriefs:

  • Gather information on the interview; including questions/topics covered, who they met with, interview style, etc.
  • Understand how the interview went and if there were any areas of weaknesses that we may need to address on the client interview debrief
  • Understand and address any concerns or questions the candidate has after the interview
  • Close/Lock down the candidate again


A few things to keep in mind:

  • Only the recruiter is required to debrief the candidate, however, if it was a final interview then always have the AE and/or Market Leader present on the call with you
  • The recruiter should be in a place without distractions and access to their laptop
  • Notes should be taken throughout the interview debrief
  • Should be logged in Bullhorn, Interview Debrief Template


Check out the 2 attachments for questions we are looking to be answered:

Initial Interview Debrief

Final Interview Debrief


The interview prep and debrief are, at times, not taking seriously or are rushed because we feel we have other important priorities going on for the day. When we have a candidate interviewing with a client, it is extremely important we slow down to speed up. This area requires quality and taking the time to ensure all the effort we worked towards up to this point applies to the candidate getting the job!