Sourcing Workflow




The link below itemizes every step involved (from taking a REQ through placement) and whose responsibility it is to document and add into BH:


OPS2.0 Itemized Workflow



The link below showcases what an AE’s role is with these candidates to take them through the process:


OPS2.0 Bullhorn Workflow




As a new Recruiter, it’s easy to get caught up in everything going on, when you first start to source, utilize this guide to make sure you are exploring all avenues to identify the right candidate. There are too many times we have a quality candidate in BH that we just need to call, and we are stuck looking externally vs. starting internally. Follow these 3 steps below when you first start to source candidates for a new position.
  1. Bullhorn
    • Check Tearsheets for qualified candidates
    • Check previous Jobs for relevant Send-Outs / Prescreened Candidates
    • Create and perform Boolean searches within Candidates Database
      1. Cross References LinkedIn if you come across a dated resume / profile
  1. LinkedIn Campaign
    • Create a Project
    • Create “Saved Searches” and ensure that you are notified for any new candidate who meets your search criteria
    • Craft a well thought-out message, start with candidates who previously applied to jobs, then candidates that are “open to new opportunities”, then “more likely to respond”, then all profiles.
    • When performing the In-mail campaign, make sure to add all candidates contacted to a project and share the project with your Lead / Coach.
  2. Job Boards
    • Dice, CareerBuilder, Indeed, etc.
    • Utilize your Boolean searches that you used within BH & LI to come up with easy searches