Week 1


Day 1

Welcome to The Acadomi

History 101 – The OPS story

Philosophy 101 – Core Values

Philosophy 201 – Giving Back

Philosophy 301 – OPS Defined

Expectations of the Program

The Importance of Metrics

Business 101 – Industry Education

Chemistry 101 – Differentiators

Consultant Care

Onboarding- First Day Email, SparkHire, Email Signatures, Social Media Professionalism, Benefits, Intranet and Who to Go to For What

Sourcing Workflow

Types of Candidates

How to Sell Direct Hire or Contract to Hire or Contract

Rules of Engagement

Bullhorn 101

Resume Evaluation and Red Flags

Boolean Searches

Acadomi – Best Advice


Day 3

Account Executive Overview

Skillset Presentations

Small Talk


Optomi President Meet & Greet

Data Training


Day 5

Review SDLC

Acadomi Roundtable Discussion

Project Manager Training / Sourcing Project Managers

Product Owner, Product Manager, Program Manager Training

Business Analyst Training

1 on 1’s with your Acadomi Coach

Friday Lunch

Friday Happy Hour