Bullhorn for Recruiters

Bullhorn Documentation for Recruiters

Why is Documentation Important?

  • As a Record of Activity.
  • It allows others in the company to help with your candidates/jobs.
  • It allows you to keep track of your pipeline, candidates, and their information for use on future requirements.


Pre Screen Documentation in Bullhorn

  • Good documentation of a pre screen in Bullhorn makes it easy for you and any account executives to review important details like CLAMS.
  • It makes it easy for you to review your notes on a candidate at a later date if you don’t have a role for them immediately.
  • It’s searchable in Bullhorn.
  • Candidate Ownership.


Candidate Ownership

  • Ownership
  • If you complete a pre screen of a candidate, and document it fully with ONH and CLAMs covered, you ”own” that candidate for 90 days.
  • If you don’t have a full pre screen documented in Bullhorn, you do not have ownership.
  • If you have candidate ownership:
  • No other recruiter in Optomi can work with the candidate until 90 days after your pre screen unless they contact you. At that point, you would be due 50% of the recruiter commission if the candidate is placed


Good Pre Screen Documentation


Bad Pre Screen Documentation

Note Actions in Bullhorn

  • Prescreen
  • Reference Call
  • Email
  • Left Message
  • Consultant Touch
  • Linkedin Correspondence
  • Interview Prep
  • Interview Debrief
  • Sales Lead


Interview Debriefs


Tagging Notes to Jobs


Email Notification in Notes


Candidates in Bullhorn

  • Whenever you add a candidate in Bullhorn:
    • Add as much detail as possible
    • Add the source for the candidate e.g. Linkedin, Referral, CareerBuilder, etc.
    • Make sure to add the most updated resume to the files section and parse the resume…
    • When submitting a candidate, upload the submittal package to the files section.

Pre Closing/ Locking Down Candidates


  • During every candidate Lock Down we:
    • Reconfirm any details, including expected rate, interview process, etc.
    • Ask questions to find out what may have changed with their situation, needs or job search since your last conversation.
    • Set expectations with the candidate.



  • Locking Down/Pre Closing the candidate often is extremely important:
    • To make sure that there are no surprises, and potentially rejected offers when we get to offer stages.
    • To make the offer process stress free.
    • To ensure that we are able to set expectations for our clients throughout the process, and to allow us to coach them during the offer process.
    • To allow us to forecast our business effectively.



  • Ask a lot of questions about what has changed since the last conversation:
    • What other opportunities have you applied to/interviewed for?
    • How are those opportunities progressing?
    • How do they compare to the opportunity with our client (CLAMS)?
    • If we get an offer, we are expecting it to come in at $X/hour…we had spoken about this rate before, so is this still in line with your expectations?
    • Have you reviewed the benefits information I sent you? Any questions?
    • What concerns/questions do you have about the opportunity?
    • If we get an offer at the rate we’ve discussed, will you be ready to accept immediately? If not, why? Let’s set a realistic timeline. (Coach)




Counter Offer Prep

  • This should be started in during your 1st conversation with the candidate.
  • Normalize Counter Offers
    • Everyone gets a counter offer when they resign.
    • It is more efficient for a company to keep a current employee than to search for and train a new hire.
  • Reinforce why the candidate wanted to leave
    • The reasons that you had for looking will still be there.
    • If it takes your resignation for them to make a change, is that really where you want to be?
    • Typically, promises made in a counter offer are not kept, or don’t fix the original issue.
  • Consequences of accepting a counter offer
    • Your resignation will have already labelled you as a flight risk.
    • You will burn a bridge with the new company.


Counter Offers

While counter offers may be tempting, consider the following …

50% of individuals accept counter offers after turning in resignations.

Within 18 months, 93% of those who accepted counter offers
left their employer — both voluntarily and involuntarily.

The remaining 7% were actively seeking new employment.

—Wall Street Journal 3 Year Study


Why You Shouldn’t Take a Counteroffer

  1. Employers often make counteroffers in a moment of panic. (“We can’t have Joe leave right now! We have that big conference next month.”) But after the initial relief passes, you may find your relationship with your employer—and your standing with the company—has fundamentally changed. You’re now the one who was looking to leave. You’re no longer part of the inner circle, and you might be at the top of the list if your company needs to make cutbacks in the future.
  2. Even worse, your company might just want time to search for a replacement, figuring that it’s only a matter of time until you start looking around again. You might turn down your other offer and accept your employer’s counteroffer only to find yourself push out soon afterwards. In fact, the rule of thumb among recruiters is that 70 to 80 percent of people who accept counteroffers either leave or are let go within a year.
  3. 3. There’s a reason you started job-searching in the first place. While more money is always a motivator, more often, there are also other factors that drove you to look: personality fit, dislike of your boss, boredom with the work, lack of recognition, insane deadlines—whatever it might have been. Those factors aren’t going change, and will likely start bothering you again as soon as the glow from your raise wears off.
  4. 4. Even if you get more money out of your company now, think about what it took to get it. You needed to have one foot out the door to get paid the wage you wanted, and there’s no reason to think that future salary increases will be any easier. The next time you want a raise, you might even be refused altogether on the grounds that “we just gave you that big increase when you were thinking about leaving.”
  5. You may be told to take the other offer, even if you don’t really want it—and then you’ll have to follow through. Using another offer as a bluff is a really dangerous game.
  6. Good luck getting that new employer to ever consider you again. If you go all the way through their hiring process only to accept a counteroffer from your current employer, then the former is going to be wary of considering you in the future. If it’s a company you’d like to work with, you might be shutting a door you’d rather keep open.

Source: Alison Green – March 26th, 2012 – U.S.News / Money

Extending Offers

Importance of Extending Offers Correctly

  • Whenever you present an offer, you should always make sure your manager, a senior recruiter or a senior account executive is present.
  • How you present the offer is as important as every other step of the process – Don’t take this step for granted!
  • If candidates are locked down properly and frequently, the offer process should be easy and stress free OR you’ll know how to approach the offer presentation, as you will have eliminated surprises.


How to Extend the Offer

  • When you extend the offer, it should be a confirmation of the details you have already gone over in your lock down calls, followed by you getting their acceptance, and congratulating them.
  • If the candidate isn’t ready to accept, you need to find out the reasons, and set expectations for when they will give you their decision.
  • If the candidate tries to negotiate after the offer, and after you have already agreed on a rate during lock downs, stay firm.


Two Call Close

  • If the candidate has been difficult to lock down throughout the process OR the offer is different than what you expected, you shouldn’t just deliver the offer without first setting the candidate’s expectations.
  • The most effective way of closing with this candidate is in 2 stages:
    • 1st Call – After you have the offer, do a final lockdown call with the candidate, setting expectations at what the offer is. After finishing the final lock down, you should let them know that you will call them later when you have the offer.
    • 2nd Call – Deliver the offer and congratulate.
  • You shouldn’t do a Two-Call close without your manager.


After the Acceptance!!

  • You should set expectations on what paperwork they will be receiving, and what action items they have next (Offer Letter, Background Check Release Form, Drug Test, etc.)
  • Set expectations around start date (Pending checks, PO approval, etc.)
  • Your job is not over yet…
    • Prep your candidate for their resignation (Reiterate counter offer prep).
    • Stay in contact/meet with the new consultant right up until they start.


Sample Resignation Letter

John Doe

ABC Corp

2100 Saddle Blvd.

Houston, TX 74452



RE: Resignation Letter



I want to thank you for all you have done for me here at ABC Corp. It’s been a pleasure working

with you, and representing the company as your Accounting Manager.

I have decided to tender my resignation. My last date of employment will be two weeks from

todays date. This decision has nothing to do with the exceptional opportunity you have provided

me here. You and the company have been more than fair with me, and I genuinely appreciate all

your support.

I wish ABC Corp continued success, and I want to thank you for allowing me to be a part of your

team. Please feel free to contact me at any time if I can be of further assistance in helping with a

smooth transition.





Email Template – Optomi Submittals copy

Interview Prep & Debrief for Candidates

Optomi Requirement Workflow


Purpose of Interview Prep

  • To educate the candidate on the context, setting, attendees, focus and overall tenor of the interview with the client
  • To provide the candidate with interview best practices, client overview and culture, confirm logistics and set follow up expectations
  • To sell the candidate on the client, and answer any questions.
  • To continue closing/locking down the candidate, making sure that nothing has changed with their situation.


Interview Prep Structure

  • For every interview prep, the recruiter and account executive should both be present and involved.
  • This can take place over the phone or in-person.
  • This should happen 24 hours before the interview.


Before the Interview Prep

  • Schedule a time that works for the candidate, recruiter and account executive, and send a calendar invitation for the prep.
  • Send an email to the candidate, using the format on the next slide, and with the following attachments:
    • Optomi formatted resume we sent to client.
    • Interview Fact Sheet.
    • Job Description.
    • Optomi Benefits Package (if a W2 contract candidate)



Potential Items to Cover in Interview Prep

  • Setting and status of the interview:
    • Phone, in-person, video conference
    • Initial, 2nd/3rd round, final interview
  • What is the anticipated outcome of the interview?
    • If it is an initial interview, what will be covered?
    • If this is a technical screen, what would be the next steps?
  • Who from the client will be attending the interview?
    • What is their role?
    • What is the relationship with Optomi?
  • What will the client focus on in the interview?
    • If it is an initial interview, is it higher level and more of an introduction to the candidate?
    • If it is a technical interview, will they do white boarding or coding exercises?
    • Are there specific topics/questions we know will be asked or covered?
  • Is this a panel interview, will various people meet 1 on 1 with the candidate?
    • Is it very formal or is it more conversational?
    • How should the client dress for the interview?
  • Are there specific items the candidate wants to learn from this interview?
    • These can vary greatly from initial interviews to final interviews.
    • We should know this up front for the potential to prep the client.
  • Make sure the candidate is preparing questions for the client logistics:
    • Who will be meeting the client or dialing in for the interview from Optomi?
    • Where will they meet and when?
    • Set a time to debrief after the interview.


Purpose of The Interview Debrief

  • Gather information on the interview, including questions/topics covered, who met with, interview style, etc.
  • Understand how the interview went, and if there were any areas of weakness that we may need to address on the client interview debrief.
  • Understand and Address any concerns or questions the candidate has after the interview.
  • Close/Lock Down the Candidate again.


Interview Debrief Structure

  • Only the recruiter is required to debrief a candidate, but it can be helpful to have another person listen to the call.
  • The recruiter should complete the debrief call in a place without distractions and with access to their laptop.
  • Notes should be taken throughout the interview debrief.


Interview Debrief Template


Bad Interview Debrief

Job Order Lockdown

Optomi Recruiter WorkFlow


Why Do We Need a Job Order Lockdown

  • To get a full understanding of the open position, and what the client needs.
  • To make sure that we are as efficient as possible in the upcoming search.
  • To ensure we can set expectations with candidates.
  • To allow recruiters to sell the role effectively to potential candidates.


What do we need to find out from a hiring manager about a new job order???



Optomi Job REQUIREMENT Lockdown



Scheduling Next Steps

  • A job order is only fully locked down if we have blocked off interview times, and a scheduled next step (Candidate Review Call).
  • Getting this commitment from the hiring manager every time ensures that:
    • We are set up optimally to control the process
    • The recruiting team has a target date to be accountable to have candidates by.
    • We are able to set timeline expectations appropriately for candidates.




Impact of a Poor Job Order Lockdown

  • Recruiter is unable to create job posting.
  • Recruiter may send out candidates that are not a good fit for the client’s need.
  • Recruiter will be less effective at selling the opportunity to potential candidates.
  • We will be unable to set expectations with candidates properly.
  • The hiring manager may not be immediately ready/able to hire.
  • We will not be able to maintain control through the process.

Prescreening Candidates

Goal of the Prescreen

  • Identify Placeable Candidates, Sourceable Candidates and Centers of Influence (COI).
  • Build genuine relationships with top talent.
  • Understand the individual to effectively match them with the right requirements.
  • Build credibility to be referable.


Offer, Need & How (ONH)


Setting the Agenda

  • Creates“buy” in from the candidate on what the objectives of the meeting will be
  • Allows the candidate to“partner”with you on the meeting objectives
  • Helps establish what specific information that will be discovered and discussed
  • Helps establish interview control and eliminates unwanted conversations
  • Timing
  • Credibility Statement
  • Set the Agenda for the conversation
    • Offer
    • Need
    • How


Placeable, Sourceable or COI?



  • A deep dive into the candidate’s experience
    • Gain understanding of specific responsibilities.
    • Gain understanding of specific technologies used, and what they did with them.
    • Gain understanding of their reporting structure (Potential Leads), and where they currently sit in the organization.
    • Get a clear picture of what made them a Rock Star!



  • Required to elevate candidates above their competition.
    • Need to understand what value their work drove for the business.
    • Could be an example of a problem they solved.



  • This section should build on any career goal information that was shared at the beginning of the conversation.
  • You should find out about any movement in their career search
    • Have they applied to or interviewed for any positions?
    • What kind of positions?
    • Which companies have they interviewed with?
    • Why did they not take opportunities that they interviewed for?
    • What types of positions are they interested in, to align with career goals?



  • What is the candidate specifically looking for in a new opportunity?
    • Challenges
    • Location
    • Advancement (Career Advancement Objectives)
    • Money (Compensation and Benefits Needs)
    • Security/Stability
  • Important to get specific details and stack ranking of CLAMS



  • Our Process – Need Buy-in
    • Marketing Campaign
    • References
    • Opt2Vue
  • Commitment from Candidate
    • Buy in to Process
    • Availability
    • Quick/Honest Feedback
    • Transparency/Partnership


The Lockdown

  • What the candidate needs for a role will depend on the specifics of the role.
  • After sharing details of the role, company, benefits, etc., it is important to reconfirm:
    • Required Compensation
    • Work Authorization
    • Availability to Interview and Start
    • Influential References – Refer to reporting structure for past companies.
  • Send benefits information for Optomi/Our Client.





Reference Checks: And How to Flip Them

Reference Checks Objectives

  • To build credibility around our Marketing Campaign/Submittal Package.
  • As a final quality check/To ensure the candidate is placeable before sending out to client.
  • To gain sales leads or referrals.


Why Good Reference Checks are Important?

  • Give us the influential quote to reinforce our write up.
  • The reference check is our first impression for a lot of potential future hiring managers, referrals and COIs.
  • Sales leads are the best way of growing business locally, giving our team the additional opportunities to close.
  • Referrals are the best way to grow our pipeline, and references give us access to passive candidates that potentially aren’t accessible elsewhere.


Getting Candidate Buy In for Influential References

  • You need to sell the value of a reference as part of the marketing campaign we are building around them.
  • This is not a full reference, but more of a testimonial to back up what we are saying


John,  I have an invested interest in representing you.  No matter how great I say you are…. my clients will have a hard time believing me because I get paid to place candidates.

I have found it very beneficial to include “influential references” when presenting my candidates.   This helps tremendously in getting you key interviews and helping with compensation.

Who do you know in your past or present work history that may be an influential reference that I may talk to and more importantly …. potential employers may be able to talk to?


Standard Reference Questions

Standard “Time Waster” Questions

What was (candidate’s) period of employment?

Please outline (candidate’s) position and responsibilities?

What was (candidate’s) reporting structure?

How long have you worked with /known (candidate)?

What was (candidate’s) reason for leaving your company?

Can you tell me (candidate’s) salary at the time of leaving?

Standard “Legal” Opinion Driven Questions

How would you describe (candidate’s) punctuality?

How would you describe (candidate’s) honesty and integrity?

How did (candidate) get along with co-workers and management?

Describe (candidate’s) ability to handle pressure?

How would you rate (candidate’s) communication skills?

Please describe (candidate’s) work ethic?

Please describe the quality of (candidate’s) work?

How would you rate (candidate’s) overall job performance?

(Theoretically, would you re-employ him/her?

“Relationship” Building Questions

What do you consider (candidate’s) key strengths?

What would you say was (candidate’s) biggest accomplishment?

What would you consider to be (candidate’s) areas for improvement?


Reference Check Best Practices

  • Don’t try to make referencing so“LEGAL”
  • Set the person at ease by offering an opinion of the candidate’s skill sets based on your conversation and then ask for confirmation!
  • Once you’ve earned their respect and proven your credibility by being an informed Recruiter, then you can flip the call.


Sample Reference

Breaking the Ice / Establishing credibility


My name is Dan and I had the opportunity to meet with Todd Hayes earlier this week.  I’m a Sr.

Recruiter in the web development space here in Atlanta and I’m working with him on his job search.   Todd felt

that you may be able to help us? Hopefully he had a chance to introduce me…do you have a few minutes to

speak with me?

Positioning Statement

  • John I really like Todd…I found him to be a very accomplished developer with a solid handle on the entire SDLC process. He told me about the recent .Net development project he ran for your organization to help stream line your client order process. I’ve met a lot of developers in the Atlanta market and he clearly stands out from the others…Hopefully you feel the same way???
  • John, what other examples of his successes can you tell me about from his time working with you?
  • I have an opportunity that we are considering him for…Let me describe the opportunity.? Joh, why do you think this could be a good opportunity for Todd?


Flipping References

  • If the reference check is thorough and the person taking the reference was well informed on the candidate, we have already established respect and credibility.
  • Ask them to tell you about their role at XYZ company. What are their plans for the future?
  • Be Direct.
  • Transition the conversation by asking how we can help them. “We don’t just work with the top talent like Todd, but also with the top companies looking for talent.”
  • Elevator Pitch.
  • “How can I help you?”


360 Degree Referencing

  • For our marketing package, we want to speak with former managers or supervisors.
  • But…those are not the only references that are valuable to us…


  • Candidate’s Supervisors from last few positions…
    • Reference Quotes and Sales Leads
  • Candidate’s Peers…
    • Potential Candidates or COIs
  • Candidate’s Subordinates…
    • Potential Candidates
  • Who do you know?…
    • Potential Candidates or COIs

Work Authorization Status


US Citizen

What is it?

US Citizens are either born in the USA, or have been naturalized as US Citizens, with full right to work for any employer.


What do I need to ask?

Nothing. If your candidate is a US Citizen, then you are all set.


What can I use this candidate for?

You can use a US Citizen for any direct hire, contract to hire, or contract role.


Green Card Holder/Permanent Resident

What is it?

Green Card Holders/US Permanent Residents have the right to live and work in the US permanently, as long as they remain a resident of the US without any significant gaps. They typically get this status through marriage to a US Citizen or through sponsorship by an employer, although there are other paths. Green Cards are typically valid for 10 years, but can be extended indefinitely.


What do I need to ask?

Nothing. If your candidate is a Green Card Holder/US Permanent Resident, then you are all set.


What can I use this candidate for?

You can use a Green Card Holder/US Permanent Resident for any direct hire, contract to hire, or contract role, as long as the role doesn’t require security clearance.


H1B Visa Holder

What is it?

H1B Visas are given to skilled workers from outside of the US, allowing them to live and work in the US for a pre-determined time period. These visas must be sponsored by a US corporation, and the visa holder can only work directly for the company named on the visa. H1B visa’s are typically valid for 3 years, and can be extended for a total of 6 years. These can be extended further if the H1B visa holder is sponsored for a Green Card.


What do I need to ask?

When is the visa valid until? Will you be able to extend the visa past the expiry date? Which company holds your visa? Do you have an approved form I-140? Are you open to having your visa transferred to a new company?


What can I use this candidate for?

You can use an H1B visa holder for direct hire roles, if our client is comfortable with transferring a visa. You can also use them for some contract role on a Corp-to-Corp (C2C) basis, whereby the consultant would subcontract with Optomi through their employer.


TN Visa Holder

What is it?

A TN Visa is available for Citizens of Canada and Mexico, allowing them to work in the USA for a predetermined period of time. The process for obtaining a TN Visa depends on whether the candidate is a Canadian or Mexican Citizen. There is no set time limit for TN Visas, but border patrol can deny TN Visas if they feel they are being used in lieu of a more permanent immigration method, e.g. H1B visa or Green Card.


What do I need to ask?

When does your current TN visa expire? Would you be able to obtain a new TN visa for a new opportunity?


What can I use this candidate for?

TN visas are typically obtained for fixed term contract roles, as an opportunity end date is required on the documentation need


L1 Visa Holder

What is it?

An L1 visa is an intracompany visa, that allows a foreign national employee of a company to temporarily move to the US, working for that same company. For example, if John worked for Coca Cola in London, and Coca Cola wanted him to start a new job in Atlanta, they could apply for an L1 visa for John.


What do I need to ask?

You should ask when the L1 visa expires, and also if the candidate’s company has applied for their Green Card.


What can I use this candidate for?

You can’t. For an L1 visa holder to be a viable option, Optomi or our client would need to sponsor the candidate for a new H1B visa, which can only happen in April, when a limited number of H1B visas are approved.


F1 Visa Holder

What is it?

An F1 visa is a student visa, which allows a foreign national to temporarily move to the US to complete a Bachelors’ or Masters’ Degree Program.


What do I need to ask?

Do you have a valid EAD to work in the US?


What can I use this candidate for?

Unless they have a separate employment authorization document (EAD), you can’t use this candidate for any positions.


EAD (Employment Authorization Document)

  • An EAD allows someone to live and work in the US temporarily until the expiry date on the EAD.
  • There are many different types of EAD, so it is important to ask which type of EAD the candidate has.


Green Card EAD Holder

What is it?

A Green Card EAD can be applied for by an individual in the final stages of their Green Card process (After priority dates are current and after the I-485, adjustment of status has been filed). This will allow the candidate to work for any employer in the US without sponsorship until they receive their Green Card.


What do I need to ask?

Are your priority dates current? Have you filed your I-485, adjustment of status? Do you need sponsorship?


What can I use this candidate for?

You can use this candidate for any contract, contract-to-hire or direct hire opportunity. They will not need sponsorship at any time.


OPT EAD Holder

What is it?

An OPT (Optional Practical Training) EAD can be applied for by F1 (Student) Visa Holders when they have completed their US based Bachelors’ or Masters’ degree program, allowing them to work in the US for an e-verified employer for a limited time. Typically, these are valid for 1 year, but can be extended for a further 2 years if the candidate graduated from a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering or Math) university program.


What do I need to ask?

When does your EAD expire? Will you be able to extend the visa past the current expiration date? Will you need sponsorship for when the EAD expires?


What can I use this candidate for?

In the immediate term, an OPT EAD holder can work on a contract, contract-to-hire or direct hire basis. However, the EAD can only be extended to a total of 3 years, so if a candidate is hired on a contract-to-hire or direct hire basis, our client must be prepared to sponsor the candidate for a new H1B visa, which must be approved before the visa expires.


CPT EAD Holder

What is it?

A CPT (Curricular Practical Training) EAD can be applied for by F1 (Student) Visa Holders when they are in the process of completing a US based Bachelors’ or Masters’ degree program. This allows them to work in the US for an e-verified employer for a limited time, while they are still enrolled full-time in the college program. CPT EADs can either be approved for part time work (Less than 20 hours) or full-time work (more than 20 hours), and are valid until the student graduates, but if they work full-time on a CPT EAD for 12 or more months, they will not be eligible for an OPT EAD.


What do I need to ask?

When does your CPT EAD expire? Are you approved to work on a full-time or part-time basis? If full-time, how many months have you worked on your CPT EAD?


What can I use this candidate for?

You can use a CPT EAD Holder for contract, contract-to-hire, and direct-hire roles. However, if they will be working


H4 EAD Holder

What is it?

An H4 visa is given to the spouse of an H1B visa holder, and is valid until the H1B visa holder spouse’s visa expires. H4 visa holders can apply for an EAD through their H4 visa status, allowing them to work in the US. The EAD’s expiration date is aligned with the H4 visa expiration date.


What do I need to ask?

When does your visa and EAD expire? Will you be able to extend your visa and EAD? Have you been sponsored for a Green Card through your spouse’s company?


What can I use this candidate for?

An H4 EAD holder can work in a contract, contract-to-hire or direct hire position. Typically, a H4 EAD holder will be eligible for a Green Card under the H1B spouse’s company, so wouldn’t require sponsorship, but this needs to be confirmed.


L2 EAD Holder

What is it?

An L2 visa is given to the spouse of an L1 visa holder, and is valid until the L1 visa holder spouse’s visa expires. L2 visa holders can apply for an EAD through their L2 visa status, allowing them to work in the US. The EAD’s expiration date is aligned with the L2 visa expiration date.


What do I need to ask?

When does your visa and EAD expire? Will you be able to extend your visa and EAD? Have you been sponsored for a Green Card through your spouse’s company?


What can I use this candidate for?

An L2 EAD holder can work in a contract, contract-to-hire or direct hire position. An L2 EAD holder would be eligible for a Green Card under the L1 visa holder spouse’s company if the company sponsors them both for a Green Card. If this happened, they wouldn’t ever need sponsorship.



Work Authorization Status Training

Submittal Packages

What are Submittal Packages?

  • This is the first representation of a candidate that we send to our client.
  • This is also our first opportunity to sell the candidate to our client.
  • Typically, in the industry, this is comprised of a resume and a few details about the candidate.


Optomi Submittal Packages

  • The Optomi Submittal Package is another factor that differentiates us from our competition.
  • We provide a marketing campaign around our candidates, based on our due diligence through our screening process.
  • Our submittal packages are tailored to the specific business requirement of our client.



Email Template – Optomi Submittals copyOptomi Candidate Training Submittal


Culture Fit

  • This sections should focus on:
    • Telling the story of the candidate’s career so far.
    • Painting a picture of why the candidate is the right fit for the company now.
    • Showcasing a couple of specific achievements from the candidate’s career, which relate to the client’s business requirement.



Opt2Vue is a key contributor to us being technology driven! The Opt2Vue platform allows our candidates to record a video of themselves answering a series of questions set by one of our hiring managers. This video provides another dimension to our candidates beyond what our hiring managers see on paper.


Benefits of Opt2Vue for Candidates

  • Ensures candidates can present themselves and their personality beyond what a manager would typically see, and what they see from non-Optomi candidates.
  • Resumes are typically “deselection” tools. The Opt2Vue typically results in our candidates being shortlisted ahead of any other candidates.
  • The Opt2Vue usually results in a shorter interview process, potentially eliminating an entire step.


Benefits of Opt2Vue for Clients

  • Allows the hiring manager to ”interview” the candidate with minimal time investment.
  • Ensures that candidates that are brought in for interview are a good match with the company and team culture.
  • Allows the hiring manager to spend more time during the onsite interview asking the more important questions.


How to sell Opt2Vue to Candidates

The Opt2Vue needs to be sold as part of the “marketing campaign” that we build around our candidates. While our achievement-driven write-up and influential references help paint a picture of what a candidate could help our client achieve, the Opt2Vue allows the candidates to “interview” before being selected for an interview, driving them ahead of the competition.


Best Practices for Opt2Vue

  • “Opt2Vue” should always be the public title for any position.
  • For non-technical questions, candidates should only be given 1 retry.
  • For technical questions, candidates should be given 0 retries. This helps maintain the credibility of the Opt2Vue platform.
  • Candidates should be prepared/coached for what types of topics may be covered in the questions, but they shouldn’t be given the questions ahead of time.


Coaching Candidates for Opt2Vue

  • Prepare candidates like you would prepare candidates for an interview.
  • Dress Business professional.
  • Complete the Opt2Vue in a well-lit room, free of distractions.
  • Advise candidates of how many attempts they would have at the questions.


Examples of Bad Opt2Vues





Core Client Criteria

  • This should focus on the top 3-5 required skills/experiences that the client needs.
  • These should be tailored to client’s specific business requirement.
  • If education or certifications are important for the role, they should be included here.


Reference Quote

  • This should be with a former reporting manager, or another influential manager.
  • Reference should be tailored to the client’s business requirement.
  • Reference should reinforce some of the content in the culture fit and core client criteria sections.
  • No Fluff!


Formatted Resume

  • Resume should have a consistent font, text size, spacing and formatting.
  • The resume should be free of spelling and grammar errors.
  • Job titles, professional summary, and skills should be relevant to the position the candidate is being considered for.
  • The resume should be achievement focused; not just a list of “job description” responsibilities.


Accompanying Email Format

Optomi Candidate Training Submittal