Culture 101

Culture is the strong sense of beliefs and values that everyone shares. Our culture is comprised of all of the things you learned in Philosophy 101 and is fostered through YOU. Our teams create the behavior that is our culture. As leaders we can establish the foundation and the guardrails, but our people give culture its life.

Therefore, we’ve established Culture Committees to ensure involvement and facilitate collaboration. The committees are formed once a year and consist of:



Celebrate deals, birthdays, work anniversaries, champion contests and other significant milestones.


All events will have a Facebook post

Create contests & prizes, Chair to report updates

Honor Work Anniversaries

Celebrate Birthdays




To encourage all of us to perform at our best and to develop leaders of tomorrow.


Victory Cup

E-mail with Leaderboard

Mentorship of new hires

Choose a leadership principle to promote




To extend our impact to the communities we live and work in


Children-Centric Events When Possible

COVID-19 Relief

November 5th annual event

Quarterly community outreach

Monitor CCare boxes




Increase our influence in the consultant community


Consultant of the Quarter based on our values

Winner of C of Q receives charity gift of $250, lunch or happy hour, email blast of announcement, post on Optomi’s website, LinkedIn recommendation written by the recruiter, candy dish

Runners-up receive candy dish

Winning recruiter receives $50 gift card

Winning office receives a plaque with consultant name & recruiter name




Maximize  business value


Referral Program marketing

Social Media efforts (possible Skillset LinkedIn videos)

Platinum Club event planning



To mentor women just beginning their professional lives to foster greater career success.


Create a program to mentor Provalus women

Curriculum of TED talks, books, articles

Monthly 1-on-1 conversations

WIT networking

Vision is to empower these women to create WIT groups in their hometowns someday and be leaders hopefully within Provalus.