
Acadomi – LinkedIn Life Hacks

  • When 1st starting out searching within LinkedIn – #1 thing you should do is “Create a Project” so you can keep track of all the candidates you’ve messaged, etc.
  • To do this click, “Project” -> “Create New”, Project Name – “BH Job # – Client Name – Job Title”, Ex – “14896 – NCR Project Manager (Professional Services)


Within Talent Pool…

  • Spotlights – Open to Work people are people who have selected themselves as, “Open to work” – this makes your job easier because you know these people are most likely on the job market for something new, “Are More likely to Respond” – these people have a good response rate to Recruiters reaching out to them.
  • Job titles – when searching, remember to use questions if two different words like, “Project Manager”. Search of every way a Project Manager might call themselves.
  • Locations – if Remote then just do United States, but remember if they’re working East Coast hours you probably want to find someone on the East Coast, or if they have to go into the office sometimes then you will need to find someone in that city.
  • Keywords – this is the section you’ll enter your Boolean Search just like you do in Bullhorn.


How to Create a LinkedIn Inmail Template

Step 1) Go to Candidate’s Profile

Step 2) Click “Send Message to Candidate”

Step 3) Create your subject line using one of the examples below

Step 4) On the bottom left, select “First Name” within the brackets and a comma

Step 5) Type out your message using one of the examples below

Step 6) Save as New Template, Save Template with the same format / wording as your Project, Ex. “14896 – NCR, Project Manager (Professional Services)”


LinkedIn Inmail Samples Templates

Below are some sample LinkedIn Inmails to send candidates to set up Tech Screens. A couple of things to remember for your LinkedIn Inmails for this week – One, we’re not going to be telling them about a specific job in your LinkedIn Inmails this week to set up Tech Screens so your LinkedIn Inmails will be different for Tech Screens then they will for Prescreens (We’ll get to those later). Two, the most important thing you can do in your Inmails is to make yourself stand out from other Recruiters out there at other firms – make them want to get back to you as opposed to some other Recruiter at TekSystems. Personalize your messages, pick out something specific from their profile that lets them know you took the time to look at their profile before reaching out to them. BE GENUINE. PERSONALIZE YOUR INMAILS – DON’T SEND A MASS INMAIL.

*Note – LinkedIn Inmail and subject line example templates are also in your workbook. (If you need us to go over again how to save your messages as a LinkedIn Inmail template so you don’t have to type out the full LinkedIn message each time then let us know and we will be happy to show you again. Plese don’t waste your time typing out a brand new message every time)


Subject Line Examples:

Looking to Connect – Project Manager Opportunities!

Open to Connecting on Project Manager Opportunities?

Your experience at Bank of America is impressive!


LinkedIn Inmail Example 1:

Elana, I hope this Inmail finds you having a great week! I’m reaching out to you today because I came across your LinkedIn profile and was very impressed with your Windows Engineering experience particularly at Amazon where you were heavily involved with Active Directory. I’m not sure if you’re on the market for a new opportunity right now or not but I specialize in placing Systems Engineers across the country and we have placed many Sys- tems Engineers recently at some of our top clients who have had a very similar background to yourself. I’d love to set up a phone call with you to hear more about your current situation, technical strengths and what you might be looking for if you were to make a move. Looking forward to hearing back from you either way!

Thank you,


LinkedIn Inmail Example 2:

Morgan, I hope you’re having a great week so far! I’m sure you’re wondering why I’m reaching out to you out of the blue – so I want to get straight to the point of this Inmail. I’m an Associate Recruiter here in our Atlanta office at Optomi and am 100% focused on connecting with/ finding the best Systems Engineers in the Atlanta area. I noticed your Windows Engineer- ing experience at Bank of America and was extremely impressed as it looks like you have some really in-depth knowledge of technologies such as PowerShell scripting. We have placed a ton of Systems Engineers recently with our top clients with a very similar skillset as yourself and I would love to connect with you even if you’re not currently on the market to see if we will be able to work together whether now or in the future. Even if you’re not on the market, I would love to have a brief phone conversation to allow me to introduce myself and network with you to see how I may help you or maybe someone else in your network. Looking forward to hearing back from you either way and hope you have a great rest of your week!


Let LI Recruiter start to work for you – Checkout this link:

Utilizing LinkedIn – BD


Watch this video from a Boolean Search Wizard on how LinkedIn / Booleans work and how you should re-think your process:


Below are multiple links to articles and tutorials on how to best utilize LinkedIn Recruiter. This tool generated nearly 70% of our starts last year at OPS, so the stronger you are with the tool the more successful you will be in your roles.


Learning Search Recruiter:


LinkedIn Recruiter Projects:


Open to New Opportunities in LinkedIn Recruiter:


LinkedIn InMail Messaging Tips: