Sales Leads


A Qualified Lead Requires 3 Things:
  • Hiring Manager: First Name, Last Name
  • Company
  • Type of role: Was the Candidate or Consultant on Contract or Full Time? (*Aka the more detail, the better)


Why Sales Leads Are Important

Sales leads helps bring business to Optomi. Successful companies in our industry were built on pulling great sales leads, aggressively following up on them and utilizing them to bring in new business. Sales leads are crucial to scale and bring in more logos, new clients, more and better business. If you want more business in your competency – get sales leads.



When to Get Sales Leads

Every time we’re talking to a Candidate or Consultant. Specifically Prescreens, Interview Preps/Debriefs and Consultant Check Ins (We will role play how to get sales leads during each of these



How to Log Into Bullhorn

  1. From Home Page, select “Add”
  2. From the dropdown, select “Lead”
  3. Lead Type -> Acadomi
  4. Lead Source -> Candidate OR Client Contact OR Current Consultant
  5. Lead Provided From -> Name of Candidate/Client/Consultant that gave you the lead
  6. Lead First Name -> Insert
  7. Lead Last Name -> Insert
  8. Title -> Lead’s Job Title
  9. Company -> Company that the Lead works at (Enter as either New or Exisiting)
  10. Phone -> Enter Lead’s Phone Number
  11. Email -> Enter Lead’s Email Address
  12. Address -> Enter City / State that the Lead’s based out of
  13. Competency -> Enter correct skillset competency (Competency of the role)
  14. Skill -> Enter correct skill (Or closest available, skill of the role)
  15. Additional Information -> Any additional information you received about the Lead
  16. Internal User -> Tag your Acadomi Coach